Sunday, December 18, 2011

In My Mailbox (61)

Hey guys! This is my first IMM in over a month! That's a bit shocking, but it is due to the fact that I have not been accepting review copies because I have so many to read already. I"m very behind and now I'm finally getting back into a blogging schedule again. I've really missed this and talking to all of you.

 This week I received one book from the Harlequin Teen Panel-

This looks interesting and I hope I get to it during Christmas break. I'm not crazy about the color, the girls face is just weird. Sometimes I wonder what the cover artists are thinking.

Have you read the Goddess Test before? Did you like it?

Actually I also have one more question. I haven't been keeping up to date with the blogging community for awhile, I just started to noticed to many moving to word-press. Why is that?


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed "The Goddess Test" when I read it. It was a really interesting take on classical mythology, one that I could really get behind. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


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