Every here someone mention how every girl is a shopaholic? While this might be a stereotype, for me it's also VERY true. I own more books, shoes, clothes, and make-up and purses then any person should. Online shopping is one of my favorites because you don't even have to leave the house.

I thought I should turn my addiction into a fun weekly post! I'm also starting this at a good time to use for Christmas ideas if any of you are looking for book related Christmas gifts. It's hard to buy an avid reader a book, because there's a good chance they've already read it. However, I'm always finding cute book related items that I can't wait to share with you!
I'm going to start with some AWESOME jewelry that came out today. I'm sure you've heard of Out-of-Print clothing by now. If not they make cute shirts, totes, phones cases and now JEWELRY! The best part of these products? They are all related to classic novels.
What I love about these I how wearable they are. A lot of book related jewelry is really tacky, or gaudy. These necklaces are actually made out of brass with 14k gold plating!
A perfect gift for anyone who loves these classic novels. My favorites are Scout and Boo, Down the Rabbit Hole, and Slaughter House Five.
Which are you're favorites?