Top Ten Books I'd Recommend To Someone Who Doesn't Read YA
I thought this one would be pretty easy since I actually do this most of the time. I lend YA books to my grandma all the time and she likes most of them, and don't usually read YA. Yeet I just couldn't think of much today. My brain is acing like mush.

2) Uglies by Scott Westerfield - This is a novel that I also think any one could enjoy because of its writing a different plot. This is a series I was addicted to for the longest time. I've also lend it to many people who don't usually read YA.
3) The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle - I actually have not read this one yet, however I feel the need to recommend it because my mom actually picked this one up and enjoyed it. This is weird because she hates every YA book I've asked her to read. So this must have some special quality that everyone can enjoy.

5) Divergent by Veronica Roth - Obviously you have to know this is my favorite book of all time now. I still can't get it out of my head. The expertly crafted story, the action, mystery and romance. This book has it all and everyone should read it. Whether YA is your usual thing or not.
6) Any Sarah Dessen Novel - Now these are typical YA romance novels yet they have more in them. You have to like romance novels to enjoy these but if you're a fan of Emily Griffen or Sophie Kinsella these are book for you.

8) Shatter Me - This novel was so poetic and has dystopian and paranormal in it. You get the best of both words. Also it is another book that isn't a typical Teenager novel with parent, relationship and friend issues. Everyone should read Shatter Me.
That's it for my list today but leave some recommendations below, I'd love to see some more!
Yes, I would definitely recommend some of those books to a person who hasn't read the genre too. City of Bones has such great writing that it would turn anyone toward YA. Thanks for sharing.
New follower here! Great list! Here is mine if you'd like to follow me back: