Well I just threw my away but that sounds like so much more fun. I should try that...
Anyway, my finals week is over. I survived (hopefully) and I should be back to blogging daily (or almost daily) again! My classes for next semester hopefully won't take up to much of my time. They are suppose to be the easier classes but we'll see.
Now I also wanted to let you know what I have planned for February! I'm going to let you in on a little secret, February is my favorite month. Why? Well it has Valentines Day, My Birthday (the 16th), Presidents Day (aka: a day off of school) and usually snow (crossing my fingers). When makes this February even better is, I (hopefully) get my drivers license! you know, if I don't fail.
Anyway, I thought I should do something fun for February so I planned a week of awesomeness.
I sent out the emails in the beginning of January and almost everyone has said yes! So far the list includes:
Danielle Sibarium (For Always)
Keria Cass (The Selection)
Cate Tiernan (The Immortal Beloved Series, The Sweep Series)
Melissa Jensen (The Fine Art of Truth or Dare)
Katie from Katie's Book Blog
Also, if anyone is interested in doing a guest post. I could actually use one or two more of those. Just sendd me a DM on twitter (@withabook) or email me at withabook@gmail.com
Here's a button if you want to spread the word:

In more news, I have finally started using my tumblr. so you should start following me. http://danieriley.tumblr.com/
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