by Cynthia Hand
Source: ARC from Harperteen
Release Date: January 17th 2012
Summary: For months part-angel Clara Gardner trained to face the raging forest fire from her visions and rescue the alluring and mysterious Christian Prescott from the blaze. But nothing could prepare her for the fateful decisions she would be forced to make that day, or the startling revelation that her purpose—the task she was put on earth to accomplish—is not as straightforward as she thought. Now, torn between her increasingly complicated feelings for Christian and her love for her boyfriend, Tucker, Clara struggles to make sense of what she was supposed to do the day of the fire. And, as she is drawn further into the world of part angels and the growing conflict between White Wings and Black Wings, Clara learns of the terrifying new reality that she must face: Someone close to her will die in a matter of months. With her future uncertain, the only thing Clara knows for sure is that the fire was just the beginning.
Review: If you've been following my reviews for awhile I'm sure you remember the raving I did about Unearthly. When HarperTeen sent me the sequel, I worried at first if it will be able to compare with the debut by Cynthia Hand. Usually sequels don't really do anything for me, however there is no arguing that Hallowed was a great edition to Cynthia Hand's series. Actually, I think it might have been even better then Unearthly.
First, I have to say that Cynthia Hand's writing is still incredible. There is no denying it. The words just flow together perfectly and you can always picture what she describes. Hand also creates these in dept characters who are more then they seem. I personally love villain's that are complicated and you can never really understand them. You find that in Hallowed.
Also, the love triangle in Unearthly. Do you remember that? I do. It just got so much more complicated in Hallowed. Why? Well due to the fact that Cynthia Hand made me fall in love with Christian. Now we have these two perfect guys that you now (after reading Hallowed) see both sides too. They both have there up's and down's. I won't tell you which team I'm on you should read the book and decide for yourself.
Now I will wait till 2013 till the final book in the series. (Well unless the waiting kills me first).
I loved Unearthly and can't wait for this one! I'm definitely on team on the first book but we'll see if I'd change sides in Hallowed. Great review Danielle!