Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interview: Harmony from Radiant Reads

Today, I have another book blogger stopping by, Harmony from Radiant Reads! She is such an fun blogger, I love reading her posts and she even started the youtube channel, Totally Booksessed. Which is a youtube channel dedicated to talking about books. You should go check that out if you haven't already!

1) Tell us a little about your self and your blog:
Oh, I suck at these! Okay, my name is Harmony, I’m 15, and I run the blog Radiant Reads.
I’ve been blogging for almost two years now and I read and review Young Adult books. I’m
slightly insane, a romance lover, and I find myself terribly amusing (and hopefully you will too! Haha)

2)What is your favorite non-blogging /reading this to do?
I kind of have an addiction to youtube! I watch Philip DeFranco, Charlie, Nerimon, VlogBrothers, MissGlamorazzi, etc etc. Plus, I do write on occasion so there’s that! Not enough to call myself a legit author or anything but it’s something I enjoy doing and think I’m good at.

3)Do you have a favorite place to read?
As crazy as it sounds, school. The noise comforts me while I’m reading because it’s incredibly easy for me to just get lost in the world of a book. I hate reading at home and I never do; the lack of noise makes me nervous and unable to concentrate.

4)Since Valentines day is coming up, are you pro or anti-Valentines Day?
I love Valentine’s Day! Even if you don’t have someone to spend it with, it’s a nice holiday and a chance for people to step back from their busy lives and spend some time their significant other.

5)Ebooks or print copies?
Print! I’m not only a book reader but a collector, so I like displaying my books and having physical copies. I have a Nook but my sister uses it most of the time since I never do.

6)Currently what is your favorite book cover?
I think right now it’s Timepiece by Myra McEntire. Her book covers (and her books!) are so amazing and I just love looking at them. I have a poster of her first book and they’re so mind-bending!

7)Many bloggers have been switching to Wordpress recently, have you been thinking about doing this too?
Nope! Apparently bloggers been giving a lot of people problems but I haven’t had much problem with him in my years using so I won’t be switching anytime soon! Plus, I just got a great layout and I don’t want to change anything about it! Haha.

Thanks so much for stopping by to do an interview today! 

You can find Harmony at

Tomorrow: An Interview with Cate Teirnan!


  1. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't want to switch to Wordpress. I never really have any significant problems with Blogger, so I've never seen the point. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  2. Me too! That's why I kept asking that question to everyone. I was curious what everyone else was thinking.

  3. Awesome interview! I had never been introduced to “Radiant Reads” before this but she has an awesome site and it was nice hearing her views about so many different topics in reading.


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