Today I have an interview with the awesome blogger Alissa from the Grammarian's Review!
1) Tell us a little about yourself and your blog
Well, firstly… Hello! I’m Alissa, creator of The Grammarian’s Reviews book review blog. I realize TGR isn't a very catchy/cool name, but it reflects my love for all things grammar. Yes, I said grammar. There’s just something about punctuation and tenses and word structure that’s really lovely! Wouldn’t you agree? ;P
2) What is your favorite non-blogging/reading thing to do?
COOKING! I’m helplessly addicted to watching Food Network and cooking/baking as often as possible. I really enjoy trying new recipes, especially those that include foods I’ve never tried before.
In another life I’d probably be a chef.
3) Do you have a favorite place to read?
Not particularly. As long as I’m curled up on a nice armchair, I’m good.
4) Since Valentines Day is coming up, are you pro or anti-Valentines Day?
Can I be both anti and pro-Valentine’s Day? I have mixed feelings about it. I’m not okay with it being a commercialized holiday, although I do think it can be cute to celebrate.
5) Ebooks or print copies?
Print. There’s nothing better than the smell of a new book and getting to physically hold it. Although, having been a book reviewer for a while now, I’ve gotten more accepting of e-books.

6) Currently what is your favorite book cover?
Playing Hurt by Holly Schindler. I love that it makes me think of summer. I’m also a fan of really clean, simplistic covers, and the crisp colors and simple text are visually pleasing to me.
7) You recently made the switch to WordPress. Would you recommend this
for other bloggers?
Yes and no. I’ve said it many times in my posts and guide: it’s a trial-and-error kind of situation. I advise making a dummy account on WordPress before deciding whether to make the move. Some people may simply not like WordPress.
However, I’m very happy at WordPress now and I think it’s worth looking into. I was very comfortable with Blogger before I switched, and I switched in only a matter of days, but I don’t regret it. WordPress has a lot more to offer, and it’s much easier to navigate and operates much more smoothly.
While I didn’t hate Blogger or anything of the sort, I was blinded to the fact that there are better blogging options out there. It all depends what you want to get out of your blogging experience.
Thanks for having me on your blog, Danielle!
Thanks for the interview Alissa!
You can find Alissa at http://thegrammariansreviews.com/.
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