Thank you Danielle, for having me. I am honored to be here as we celebrate Valentine’s Day. It is this special holiday that leads me to wonder, what is love?
Books, poems, songs of love are everywhere you go. But what is love? Is it real? Is it forever? Is love the funny feeling in your stomach like butterflies fluttering with wild abandon when you see that special someone? Is it a romantic walk on the beach under the full moon and a sky full of stars?
It is both of these and neither. Love is intangible and immeasurable. You cannot see it, but see that it exists. You cannot touch it, but be touched by it. We will sacrifice for it, war over it, and yet we cannot hide it away or protect it.
Love can be defined as a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Another definition reads; a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child or friend. The problem is there is not one all-encompassing definition of love, just as there is not one specific way of loving. This is why we remain captivated with the search for this intriguing enigma.
We seek love from our family, friends and romantic partners. Love makes us feel safe and warm and wanted. It helps us feel worthy that we are part of a unit. Love acts as a binding agent keeping us connected to others.

Love sets us free. It gives us the confidence to let our hair down and be ourselves. Love calls us to serve others, whether it is the romantic love of a soul mate, love of parents or children, or even love of our fellow man. It motivates us to go out and do good in the world and be the best we can be.
There are many ways to show our love for others, a kind word or deed, going out of our way to do something special. So go out and tell someone you love them. Spread love and celebrate the fact that you are loved. Love! Love! Love!
Happy Valentines Day!
Thanks Danielle for stopping by today! The giveaway for her novel For Always will be open until late this afternoon (when I get home from school). So make sure you enter while you still can! (Giveaway here)
Tomorrow: interview from Harmony from Radiant Reads!
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