AHHHHHH. I'm dying for this book. Delirium was FANTASTIC and with the biggest cliff hanger ever (as I said in my last post) and this is my most anticipated book for 2012!
2) Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
Don't judge a book by its cover? ummm well about that... This cover is just so pretty it drew me in, but I have to admit the summery sounds just as good to! Can't wait to get this one!
3) Tempest by Julie Cross
I've heard some great things about this debut author and can't wait till this one it released! Plus time travel? Nothings better then that.

Witches? YAY! I haven't read a book about magic and witches in awhile. This is another one that I've read some great reviews from other bloggers.
5) Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison Moulton
Angelfire was such a great book and I can't wait to see what happens next in Wings of the Wicked!
6)Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
I've heard this is one of the best books ever from so many other bloggers and with praise like that how can I not want to read it? Hopefully over break I'll find sometime to dig into this one.

Anna and the French Kiss was one of my favorite books that I read over the last winter, so of course I want to read this one too!
8) A Million Suns by Beth Revis
Across the Universe was just so good! It was different and intense, A Million Suns has to be one of my most anticipated books for 2012 (Along with Pandemonium of course)
9) Wither by Lauren DeStefano
The sequel to Wither is coming out this winter so I decided I should finally read Lauren DeStafano's first book. I've actually taken Wither out of the librarry a few times I just never had time to pick it up. Hopefully during winter break I'll be able to fix that.