Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Waiting On Wednesday

Requiem (Delirium, #3)
AHHHHH THE LAST BOOK IN THE DELIRIUM TRILOGY! Nothing NOTHING can explain my excitement for this book. The first two were amazing and both have the worst cliff hangers ever. I thought I was going to go mad waiting for Pandemonium  but then I realized the cliff hanger at the end of that one was even worse. I can't wait to see what happens in Requiem. 

Now an active member of the resistance, Lena has been transformed. The nascent rebellion that was under way in Pandemonium has ignited into an all-out revolution in Requiem, and Lena is at the center of the fight.

After rescuing Julian from a death sentence, Lena and her friends fled to the Wilds. But the Wilds are no longer a safe haven—pockets of rebellion have opened throughout the country, and the government cannot deny the existence of Invalids. Regulators now infiltrate the borderlands to stamp out the rebels, and as Lena navigates the increasingly dangerous terrain, her best friend, Hana, lives a safe, loveless life in Portland as the fiancée of the young mayor. Requiem is told from both Lena’s and Hana’s points of view. The two girls live side by side in a world that divides them until, at last, their stories converge.

And of course the summary gives nothing to get rid of the ache left by the cliff hanger...

This comes out on March 5th, 2013

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

News! City of Bones, Kaleb Nation, and Shatter Me Novella

While I've been MIA so much as happened around here. So while I fill myself back in, I'm going to fill you guys in too. Just in case you have been MIA recently too. Also some of this is really new, news. So here we go...

First off, and the most exciting... CITY OF BONES! MTV released some interviews that has footage in it! Anyone else scream like a fan girl when they saw this? If you don't know what I'm talking about or haven't seen it yet, I'll post it here.

Next Kaleb Nation FINALLY released some news about his secret book. For those who don't know Kaleb Nation is the author if two middle grade novels in the Bran Hambric series. His #SecretKalebBook (as is has been called on twitter) is going to be his debut in the YA world. Recently Kaleb has said the novel is about conspiracy theories, and the main character knowing something that he shouldn't and of course that makes certain people want him dead. I'm not just excited for this  novel because I'm a fan of Kaleb and his youtube videos but also because the idea seems so new and different. I'm really excited to see where this book goes and as I learn new information, I'll try and keep you guys updated.

Another thing that happened recently that I'm very excited for is the Shatter Me novella that just came out earlier this month. I'm downloading it on my kindle as I type this. It takes place between Shatter Me and Unravel Me from Warner's point of view. Weirdly, I;m a big fan of complicated villains. I think they make a book work, and Warner is a complicated villain. I'm excited to read this from his point of view.

That's all I have for now. Leave a comment below if you're excited for any of the things above!

Monday, October 15, 2012


I thought it was time to update you guys. Where have I been? It's a really long story but it started out as just so much AP homework, which Brittany also has, and a ton of band stuff, which is my thing. However, last week two members of my band were killed in a car crash and it's been so sad and crazy around here. I've barley even had time to pick up a book that wasn't for school. Till the end of the band season I don't know how much new stuff will be up here. We'll be trying out best, but I just wanted to let you guys know where I've been.

I promise to try and get things up and running smoothly really soon. I'm actually going to write a post up for tomorrow right now. 

Also, if you're a Giants fan, my marching band is preforming at the half time show on Sunday! I know you can't really watch that on TV but it's another cool, non depressing news that I thought I should share with you. 

Finally, if anyone has sent me and email in the past week...or month...I'm going through them now. I just got an iphone and I'm still trying to figure out how to use it. THIS THING IS COMPLICATED and the email is not as easy as my blackberries was. I miss my blackberry emails. Anyway, I will respond soon!


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Discussions of Hot YA Guys

Now that there are two of us blogging on With A Book we thought it would be so much fun to do a post together! What better way to do that then discussion guys in YA? If you guys like this we can maybe turn this into a weekly thing. Soo here we go!

Discussions of Hot YA Guys

Where Danielle and Brittany discuss their love of guys in literature .

Jace from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
 Owen from Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
 And small appearances from Dimitri and Adrian from The Vampire Academy.

Danielle:  What do I love about Jace? Well what first got me was the sarcasm. I personally love to laugh and having a book character do that just made me swoon. Then as we got to know him, he has a caring heart. He would do anything for Clary and I can't help but love that.

Brittany:  I think thats fine! What is my favorite thing about Jace? The cover of City of Bones where he is shirtless. I really liked his personality everything from his sarcasm to sense of humor. Who wouldn't want a guy who is both hot and can make people laugh?

Danielle:  I forgot about that cover. I have to agree that was one of my favorite things about him too! Actually it was one of the main reasons that I picked up City of Bones.

Brittany:  I really like that Jace isn't just a body but he has an amazing soul and truly loved Clary.

Danielle:  I completely agree! I mean how could you argue with that when he says things like “There is no pretending," Jace said with absolute clarity. "I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then.” (City of Glass)

Danielle:  So I think we can agree that Jace is one of the best literary guys out there right now?

Brittany:  YES! He really is! And so is Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice

Danielle:  Mr.Darcy! Now he is the best literary character of all time past and present. I just can't get enough of him.

 Brittany:  Who wouldn't love a guy who proposes by saying, '“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

Danielle:  I have no idea, maybe someone who is a rock with no emotions. Like Kristen Stewart. When I read that line I knew I was hooked to Mr. Darcy. I especially love that the first time I read the novel, I started off hating Darcy as Lizzy did. I didn't know all of the good that he did how how much he actually loved her. I did fall a little bit before Lizzy did but that was part of the fun. Now it's much different every time I reread it. I just love him from the very start.

Brittany:  The very first time I read the book I also hated Mr. Darcy  when I first read the book until I did some reflecting and realized his true personality. Mr. Darcy is everything I ever want in a man

Danielle Me too. I would take the movie Mr. Darcy any day too. Really who could hate this guy, or this couple, 

Brittany:  I love when couples have a love hate relationship. It really shows that even when they get on each other’s nerves underneath it all they still love each other. Kinda like how Annabelle was afraid of and misunderstood Owen at first.

 Danielle:  And I really see the resemblance between Lizzy and Darcy and Annabelle and Owen. How they really didn't understand each other in the beginning and are from two different worlds. Owen himself, is such a great guy. He was there for Annabelle when she needed him, and in the end he didn't question her he just helped her. Such a great guy.

Brittany:  Owen has this dark twisted and misunderstood feeling just like Mr. Darcy does but both men were always waiting in the shadows waiting to help and cherish their loves. Owen was a total rebel and who wouldn't want the "bad boy" with a such diverse taste in music. I might even classify Owen as the cute hipster.

Danielle Well I didn't really care for Owen's music tastes to much but I did really like "bad boy" thing he had going on. I'm always a sucker for the bad boys in almost every novel. I could start naming a bunch right now *like Adrian from The Vampire Academy ) but I think we would get a little side tracked haha.

 Brittany:  You know I don't like Adrian, Team Dimitri all the way. Owen is definitely the bad boy you can still bring home to meet mom and dad.

 Danielle:  nooo Adrian was so much better. He had so much more to him. Dimitri was just so one emotion the whole time. Gosh getting so side tracked. We were talking about Owen right? haha :) Well If he was real I would not hesitate to bring him home to meet my parents. I want an Owen <3 He's sweet personality is something anyone can fall for. I also love how he had to overcome his rage. He became a better person with Annabelle. I love guys that change like that. The ones that stay the sameCoughDimitriCough are just too boring.

Brittany:  Owen did adorably change into a better person. I still disagree with your opinion on Dimitri but I guess we will just have to leave it at that.

Danielle:  I guess so. We'll have to debate that another time. 

So what did you guys think? Who's your favorite guy? Leave a comment to let us know! And let us know if you liked the discussion post because we would love to continue doing them if you enjoy them. :)

--Danielle and Brittany <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Book Jewlery and other Bookish Things

My first week blogging has really amplified my love of books to the extreme. Here are some bookish finds I am currently in love with.

Tiny Book Necklace - Journal Necklace - Book Jewelry - Miniature - Shabby Chic Jewelry - Little ThoughtsThis is too cute! Most of the time, with the books I am really passionate about, I have a love-hate relationship with the novel. I really love how this necklace does not specifically say the title of the book because on the days I hate a character I can still happily still wear the necklace.  It can be bought HERE.

Vintage  Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility 3D Paper Mobile
Danielle has once again made me obsessed with Pride and Prejudice because of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries (seriously go watch them now). My ceiling fan hangs right over my bed and this would look so adorable hanging down off of it. You can buy it HERE

And In That Moment, I Swear We Were Infinite - Silver Infinity Bracelet - inspired by The Perks of Being a Wallflower 
This bracelet is so stylist, only a true reader would catch on to the Perks of Being a Wallflower reference. You can purchase it HERE

And Halloween costumes! Should I be my favorite princess Belle?


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: Let the Sky Fall

Honestly, the cover is the number one reason why I want to read this book. It's just perfect. The colors are catching. The font and title placement are easy to see, and read. It looks good! 

Then I read the summary...

Seventeen-year-old Vane Weston has no idea how he survived the category five tornado that killed his parents. And he has no idea if the beautiful, dark-haired girl who’s swept through his dreams every night since the storm is real. But he hopes she is.
Seventeen-year-old Audra is a sylph, an air elemental. She walks on the wind, can translate its alluring songs, and can even coax it into a weapon with a simple string of commands. She’s also a guardian—Vane’s guardian—and has sworn an oath to protect Vane at all costs. Even if it means sacrificing her own life.
When a hasty mistake reveals their location to the enemy who murdered both of their families, Audra’s forced to help Vane remember who he is. He has a power to claim—the secret language of the West Wind, which only he can understand. But unlocking his heritage will also unlock the memory Audra needs him to forget. And their greatest danger is not the warriors coming to destroy them—but the forbidden romance that’s grown between them."
 How could you not want to read this book? Forbidden romance, mystery, mythology (or at least it seems like it has that kind of feel), and action. Really I just can't wait to get my hands on this one.

This one comes out March 5th, 2013 from Simon Pulse and is Shannon's YA debut. She has a middle grade novel that I here is pretty amazing too. I might just have to check that one out while I'm waiting for March.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Video and Book Birthday for Breathe by Sarah Crossan!

Do you know what today is? The release date for Sarah Crossan's debut novel Breathe!

Brittany reviewed Breathe just a few days ago here on our blog. Make sure you go here to check that out. She loved it!

Here's a video from the author about her inspiration for the novel.

If you're a fan of dystopian novels, this is one that you really don't want to miss.

Monday, October 1, 2012

In My Mailbox

It's been awhile since I've been able to do a IMM so I don't think you'll guys will mind if I do one a day late.

Last week I FINALLY bought The Selection by Keira Cass. I actually met her a BEA a couple of years ago and I have been watching her youtube videos since she started making them. I don't know what took my so long to actually pick this one up. I'm really excited to read it and I've heard such great things about it.

Library: I don't know what made me get a library book when I have a million and two other books to read and things to do but when I saw this on the shelf, I just couldn't resist. I'm so excited about this sequel, and this is another book that I'm very behind on, but I loved the first novel and can't wait to see what happens next.

I'm sure there are plenty of more new books on my shelves since I've done by last IMM but these are the most recent ones.


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