Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Review: Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have)

Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have)10 Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have)
By Sarah Mlynowski
Publisher/Date: Harperteen/ June 7, 2011

Summary: 2 girls + 3 guys + 1 house – parents = 10 things April and her friends did that they (definitely, maybe, probably) shouldn't have.
If given the opportunity, what sixteen-year-old wouldn't jump at the chance to move in with a friend and live parent-free? Although maybe "opportunity" isn't the right word, since April had to tell her dad a tiny little untruth to make it happen (see #1: "Lied to Our Parents"). But she and her housemate Vi are totally responsible and able to take care of themselves. How they ended up "Skipping School" (#3), "Throwing a Crazy Party" (#8), "Buying a Hot Tub" (#4), and, um, "Harboring a Fugitive" (#7) at all is kind of a mystery to them.
In this hilarious and bittersweet tale, Sarah Mlynowski mines the heart and mind of a girl on her own for the first time. To get through the year, April will have to juggle a love triangle, learn to do her own laundry, and accept that her carefully constructed world just might be falling apart . . . one thing-she-shouldn't-have-done at a time.

Review: Even since Bra's and Broomstick's I have been a fan of Sarah Mlynowki's books. She has this fun and addicting way of writing. Ten Things We Did was no exception yet it was very different then the Magic in Manhattan Series. You won't find any broomsticks or witches in this novel but you will find a house that two teenage girls are living in my themselves.  No parents to be found. A teenagers dream! 

Each and every character was realistic. April narrative was so much fun to read because I could relate to her. I think most teens will be able to too. She has flaws just like any other normal person. Then there was the supporting cast who all had their own little part of the story. As the book went on you learned to much about them all, especially Vi, Hudson, Dean and Marissa. Without the supporting characters there wouldn't have been a story, all there different personalities came together sometimes clashing and others falling for each other. 

With the fun, witty plot and excellent characters Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have) made an insanely amazing book. Once I started reading (the day after I received it) I couldn't put it down. I sat outside in the summer sun and read all day. I got so lost inside the book I didn't even think about what time it was. It's more then just a summer romance novel, it also touches some serious topics. This is a book any teenage girl will love and should read. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

In My Mailbox (40) + BEA books

In my mailbox is hosted and created by The Story Siren.

Usually I would list all the book I received below the video but there is WAY to many this time. I'm going to try and make a goodreads list of all of my BEA books. If I do I'll post the link here.

Non-bea books
 Ghost Town by Rachel Caine
It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han
Glass Houses by Rachel Caine
Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala
Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bookexpo America Day 2

Warning: Still haven't had a decent nights sleep so don't hold any typo's or over-used words against me. 

I was going to write up this post when I got back from BEA day two, like I did with day one but I was exhausted. I basically got home and went to bed. Well add eating, showering and doing my neglected math homework, but after two LONG days walking around the city I needed some sleep.

The second day of BEA I actually knew what to expect. We got in line for the exhibit floor an hour early, and actually brought a suitcase to help save our shoulders a little bit. When I had woke up Thursday morning my shoulders didn't want to move, they were in so much pain and I didn't even have that many books  the first day. I heard about my feet hurting but I was not prepared for the shoulders. (I can deal with hurting feet, and I think anyone who has ever been in a marching band will agree it's ten times worse then BEA). But we lived, the pain was well worth and amazing-ness that was BEA.

I actually had a list of all the signings I wanted to go to the second day. I was relying on the BEA app Wednesday and it was horrible. I hated that App. It was slow and seemed to never work or tell me the right times. Thursday I came prepared with an actual list on PAPER. Which was much smarter and easier.

Melissa Marr
I got to meet Melissa Marr! I think this was one of the highlights of BEA. Melissa was awesome and I got both Darkest Mercy and Enthralled signed by her. I also ran into Kiera Cass while at BEA. She makes videos on Youtube and also has a book coming out in summer of 2012 called The Selection. I've been watching her vidoes on Youtube for awhile. I was obsessed with Twilight when I first read it (I still am...) and found her twilight videos and have been watching them ever since. It was really cool to meet her and she was so nice!

I went to a bunch of other signing while I was there like Sarah Mlynowski. I also met a few other bloggers which I have to say was one of the best parts. Seeing the bloggers that you follow online. My mom and I stayed at BEA until 1:30 - 2:00 ish. When we went to our suitcase to put all the books in, when we realized it was WAY to small. Well another thing we learned for next year. So we tried to cram as many books as we could into the little thing and carried the rest in a bag.

While having all those books we headed over to the Strand. Yup, we brought a suitcase of books to The Strand. At least the employees there understood our suitcase of books problem and were fine with it. We spend about an hour there I think. It has to be the coolest bookstore ever. Everyone tells me its huge but I never really believed them until I saw it.  Books were everywhere you looked! They were also cheaper then in a bookstore like Barnes and Nobles.  I wish I lived in New York just to visit that book store everyday.

We only left the bookstore because I had forgotten to eat while at BEA (Why eat when you can see all these amazing books and people? It seems like a waste of time in the moment) so I was feeling dizzy, thats when we headed over a block to eat at Saigon Market. It was really good and if you're ever around the Strand I really recommend it.

After we ate my mom and I walked over to Union Square and hung out around there for awhile and saw some interesting things. Like a guy in a cowboy hat making a sand moral on the sidewalk. It was really pretty, I wish I had that artistic talent. I can only draw stick figures and 3-D blocks. To get back to the bus station  we took the subway! And don't forget we still had a suitcase and bags full of books. Somehow we didn't get lost and got to the bus station and home. It was a CRAZY two days but I had a fantastic time and can't wait for next year.

BEA books and swag from day two:

Signed Books

My IMM this week will have all the BEA books, Strand books and other non NY books. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Visitors!

Welcome! If you are new visitor of my blog, either I met you at BEA or you're just stumbling on my blog click below to see a little post about me and With A Book. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bookexpo America Day 1

            On Wednesday morning I woke up at 5:25 to get ready and catch the 6:25 bus to New York City! This is the same time I would have been up and going to school, so it didn’t feel to different for me. Since I’m not old enough to travel or go to the Javits by myself I brought my mom with me. (This ending up being a good this since my mom is in better shape then I am and could help carry all the books.)

            We arrived in NY around 7:30 and took a Taxi to the Javits Center. Neither my mom nor me know anything about New York so we took the safe route of a taxi. When we got there we went straight to the Press Registration booth to get our badges. Since it was the second day there was no line at all, which was good. Then we walked around for a little while not realizing that the people sitting on the floor were the line to get in. oops. We ending up being really far back in line but we know for tomorrow to get in line RIGHT AWAY.

            Sitting inline for the exhibit hall I met hall I met Renee from The Book Girl Reviews. She was so nice! She gave me and my mom some pointers and told us what to expect. Also when we got into the exibit hall she got me the coolest cards EVER.

They have pictures of YA books and authors on them. How cool is that?

 Once we were in the first 5 minutes were CRAZY! I’m serious! Everyone is crazy! People were running and pushing to get the arcs. Being so far back in line we didn’t get any arc’s right away, but that’s okay. Those books will be out in print eventually.

            My mom and I walked around the exhibit hall for about 30 minutes before we come across a line, which we found out was for Ally Condi!!!! I was going to wait till 10 to find her signing but I’m glad we hopped in early. By ten the line seemed to go on forever behind us! We talked to some of the nicest people in the autograph lines and they were really helpful.

(Ignore my weird face...But look it's Ally Condi!)

            After that we went to some publishing booths and got some ARC’s. We were passing by the Elizabeth Scott signing and someone was giving away there ticket! Since there was no tickets left that person gave their ticket to me. Whoever that person is you are AWESOME. Elizabeth Scott is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She even gave me a hug. After that I got my picture with the new Cassandra Clare book cover. 

            We hopped into a bunch of signings, some for my mom and others for me, but by 2 o’clock our feet were killing us and so were our shoulders. So we decided to head out and go to lunch. We ended up to a café just a block away from the center and I think every single person in there was from BEA. We talked to the people in the table next to us and we really did meet some of the nicest people.

            Today I will be doing everything again plus going to the Strand!!! (Can’t wait to see that, everyone says it’s incredible). Somethings I am going to different tomorrow:

1)      Bring a suitcase! Such a smart idea and I don’t know why I didn’t listen to everyone in the first place. 
2)      Talk to more people, bloggers and publishers. I’m such a shy person and I don’t like to just go up and talk to people. I’m going to change this tomorrow!
3)      Pack lighter. I had brought way to much stuff with me. Tomorrow I’m going to leave more at home.

Books from today: (excluding my mom's books):
(Signed Books)


(Some swag)  

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine < Check it out 
Bloodlines (Bloodlines, #1)

I'm in love with Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series!!!! I'm super excited for the spin off series. She was singing them at BEA on Tuesday but sadly I wasn't there, but the release date is just a few months away! 

Sydney is an alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of human and vampires. They protect vampire secrets - and human lives. When Sydney is torn from her bed in the middle of the night, at first she thinks she's still being punished for her complicated alliance with dhampir Rose Hathaway. But what unfolds is far worse. Jill Dragomir - the sister of Moroi Queen Lissa Dragomir - is in mortal danger, and the Moroi must send her into hiding. 
To avoid a civil war, Sydney is called upon to act as Jill's guardian and protector, posing as her roommate in the last place anyone would think to look for vampire royalty - a human boarding school in Palm Springs, California. But instead of finding safety at Amberwood Prep, Sydney discovers the drama is only just beginning.

Sounds so good! Can't wait to read it :)


Monday, May 23, 2011


Most people who are attending BEA are already in New York or on there way there. Sadly I am unable to attend BEA until Wednesday, but I'm not complaining I'm just happy to be attending BEA at all. Being sixteen and not able to travel and walk around New York by myself plus being in school right now I'm just lucky it all worked out so I can go at all.

On Wednesday morning I'll be leaving my house to take the bus up to New York City then taking Taxi to the Javits Center. Then doing the same thing getting home. I'll be doing this again on Thursday. I'm probably going to be going crazy...but oh well. 

For anyone else attending BEA and you see me there come and say hi! I've done plenty of vlog's but in case you forgot what I look like here's a picture. 

(Okay bad picture but my computer is making them all blurry)

I have dark brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin with freckles. Oh and braces....I hate my braces (they come off this summer YAY!, but there white so you can't tell from a distance like the picture above).

Even though I'm reading EVERY post I can find on BEA I'm still so nervous. I'm obsessing over EVERY little detail from what to wear to what to bring. Hoping I don't bring to much or to little. Right now I'm planning on bringing 

-Digital Camera 
-Cell Phone (For tweeting!!)
-Money (for the signing donations)
-Food (whatever I can fit in my bag)
-Business Cards!
-Nook ( armed with new books for bus ride)
-Ipod (armed with new songs for bus ride)
-Maybe a suitcase, I haven't decided yet. 
-Pen ( You can never go ANYWHERE with out a pen. You never know when you're going to need it)

For what I'm wearing I'm still not sure. Probably black pants with a nice shirt, cardigan, and flats. I don't really own comfy shoes. I with buying cute shoes and not caring if they're comfy. My flats are the only thing that don't kill my feet and are good for 84 degree  73 degree (the weatherman changed the forecast)  weather and my sneakers stay in my gym locker. 

I don't have my days all planned out but there are some signings I would like to attend. I've never EVER been to an author signing. I've never actually met an author so I'm SUPER excited about this. 


Lauren Oliver - 9:30 - 10:30 
Ally Condi  (For Crossed!!!!!) 10- 11
Julie Kagawa 11-12
Maria V. Snyder 12- 12:45 (LOVE HER!)
Anna Godbersen 12 - 12:30
Maureen Johnson 12- 12:30
Richelle Mead - 2-3 (For Bloodlines!!!!)


Melissa Marr- 10:30 - 11:30
Sarah Mlynowski - 12- 12:30

I probably will not get to all them but I'm going to try my best. Do you have and suggestions for Debut authors I should see?

If you can't go I promise to take lots of videos and pictures. I'm also going to be tweeting the whole time, or as much as I can. I'm also going to try and maybe do a few giveaway with books I get. You should also check out BEA Armchair if you're not going. I don't know much about it but I here its going to be really great!

You should still see posts from me this week since I will be home everyday AND I'm only going to be gone for two days. I'm also have scheduled posts for the week. 

If you have ANY suggestions AT ALL for me please comment or email me (withabook@gmail.com) I would love advice. Or if you are going to be there email me! I'd love to meet up sometime during BEA. 


Sunday, May 22, 2011

In My Mailbox (39)

I've been so busy getting ready for BEA and writting posts for this week that I forgot to do my IMM! Well better late then never right?

I went a my local discount bookstore, thats closing and everything was 50 percent off. I picked up these books.
Pretty Tough (Pretty Tough, #1)

Funny story behind this book. This was the first YA book I ever read. I was in six grade and my friend has bought it for me. As I read Klepto I thought I was going to get in trouble. I was only 11 or 12 years old and we all know what is in YA books. (Now reading this again I realize it really wasn't that bad) This book is why I started sneaking into the YA section because for some reason I thought I was going to get yelled out by the librarian. Since I lost my first copy, I had to buy this when I saw it. 

(Didn't realized it was book 3 but I love this author)

For Review (In e-book form): 

This one looks REALLY good. You can see the summary here on the authors blog  here 


I LOVE this cover. It really reminds me of the Earthly cover, which I also adored. 
This one looks really good to and the author wrote the book when she was a sophomore in high school. I'm jealous I wish I had the talent to do that. Visit her website here

Sorry this post was so late! Hope everyone had a great weekend :)  


Friday, May 20, 2011

Review: The Summer I Turned Pretty

The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer, #1)The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer #1)
By: Jenny Han
Published May 5th 2009 by Simon & Schuster

Summary: Belly measures her life in summers. Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August. Winters are simply a time to count the weeks until the next summer, a place away from the beach house, away from Susannah, and most importantly, away from Jeremiah and Conrad. They are the boys that Belly has known since her very first summer--they have been her brother figures, her crushes, and everything in between. But one summer, one terrible and wonderful summer, the more everything changes, the more it all ends up just the way it should have been all along.

Review: The Summer I Turned Pretty is just one of those books that you want to live inside of. It takes place during the summer in a beach house surrounded by hot guys. Belly grew up with Jeremiah and Conrad spending every summer of her life with them and she can't imagine summer any other way. This summer is the first time Belly actually feels pretty. 

Jenny Han has a hypnotizing way of writing. So the book kicks right off into the story, with Belly, her brother and mom driving to the beach house. We only learn about previous summers through flashbacks. These flashback are not in any order, they happen at all different times and of all different summers. The characters will be talking about something during the previous summer that you don't really understand until a flashback. Thats one of the things I loved about this book. You were always thinking about something. 

The author is also keeps you switching which boy you think Belly is going to end up with. Thats something authors can rarely do, for me at least. In love triangles I always pick one guy and stick with him. An author almost never able to get me to switch. In The Summer I Turned Pretty each boy had their ups and downs. I would love to have either one of them, and I think I would be happy with who ever Belly choses. 

Even though I predicted the major plot in the first two chapters I adored this book. I would recommend this to anyone who loves summer romances that have more then just romance. Now that the weather is nice again, this is one of those books that you can sit out on the deck with a cold glass of ice tea and enjoy. 


Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Look For The Uglies Series!

I've loved this series since the first time I read Uglies in 6th grade. It took me a long time to get into the first book (Uglies) but after I did I couldn't put it down. I even rushed to a book store on vacation to get the sequels. I would recommend this series to EVERYONE. No matter what you're age is. (Okay maybe 12 and up) If you don't have them yet, you can buy these new snazzy (yes snazzy) covers. I liked the old ones but these have a nice clean feel to them.

Pretties and Extras are my favorite! I think they really capture the feel of the books. What do you think of these covers? 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Waiting On Wednesday

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine

Crossed (Matched, #2)
I really wasn't a big fan of the fist novel, Matched but I think it sets up the potential for a great sequel. I really want to know whats going to happen.  When I'm at BEA I really hope I get to see Ally Condie, she's doing a signing there. 

The cover is just phenomenal. Just like the cover for Matched there is a bubble and the girl inside of it. This time she’s breaking out of the bubble, which goes well with the plot. If you’ve read Matched you know what I mean.

summary: In search of a future that may not exist and faced with the decision of who to share it with, Cassia journeys to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky — taken by the Society to his certain death — only to find that he has escaped, leaving a series of clues in his wake. 

Cassia’s quest leads her to question much of what she holds dear, even as she finds glimmers of a different life across the border. But as Cassia nears resolve and certainty about her future with Ky, an invitation for rebellion, an unexpected betrayal, and a surprise visit from Xander — who may hold the key to the uprising and, still, to Cassia’s heart — change the game once again. Nothing is as expected on the edge of Society, where crosses and double crosses make the path more twisted than ever.

Are you looking forward to Crossed?


Sunday, May 15, 2011

In My Mailbox (38)

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren

Here's what I got this week. 

For Review: 
The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies, #2)

This is the sequel to I Am Number Four. Which I haven't read yet but I'm planning on it. I LOVED the movie. (Yea I saw the movie first..oops) I'll have to pick up a copy of I Am Number Four soon. This comes out in August 23, 2011. 

From the Library: 
The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer, #1)
I was actually 'demanded' to read this one by my friend. She loved it and told me I HAD to read it. She was right. I just finished it minutes ago and I adored it. I can't wait to read the sequel (which i'm going to by now). my full review will be up sometime this week. 

Now I'm off to the the horse racing track with my dad and sister. 


Friday, May 13, 2011

Review: A Chalice of Wind (Balefire #1)

A Chalice of Wind (Balefire, #1)A Chalice of Wind  (Balefire #1)
By Cate Tiernan

SummaryAfter seventeen-year-old Thais Allard loses her widowed father in a tragic car accident, she is forced to leave the only home she's ever known to live with a total stranger in New Orleans. New Orleans greets Thais with many secrets and mysteries, but none as unbelievable as the moment she comes face to face with the impossible -- an identical twin, Clio. Thais soon learns that she and the twin she never knew come from a family of witches, that she possesses astonishing powers, and that she, along with Clio, has a key role in Balefire, the coven she was born into. Fiery Clio is less than thrilled to have to share the spotlight, but the twins must learn to combine their powers in order to complete a rite that will transform their lives and the coven forever.

ReviewYou might have seen Balefire with a different cover, a blue one with twins on the cover. That’s because Razorbill has recently republished the series in one big book. Instead of reviewing the big book as a whole I thought I should review each of the four books by them selves. 

In A Chalice of Wind the point of view switches between the two twins, Clio and Thais. Both of them have distinct personalities that make them different and stand out.  Clio is out going and lively, she also has lived with her Gran in New Orleans. Thais had to deal with her fathers death and moving to a new city for her last year of high school. I actually preferred Thais's point of view. Clio got on my nerves while reading her side. She seemed to think everything revolved around her, and she always had an attitude. Thais and their Grandma balanced her out really well. 

Each character was different and had their own personality.  It's even hard to tell who is evil and who's good. Even the love interest's (who will not be named because it will be a MAJOR spoiler)  is on a fine line throughout the book. Then there is a major twist that I was NOT expecting. I can't wait to read more about these characters in the next three books. 


Monday, May 9, 2011

Business Cards!

Most of you probably know by now that I'm going to be attending BEA this year! (AND I'M SO EXCITED). I'm only going on Wednesday and Thursday but if you're going to be there look for me! I would love to meet some other bloggers.

Since everyone I talked to said business cards are really good to bring, I made some. I used vistaprint.com which I highly recommend using because I only payed 10 dollars for a set of 500. I think thats really good. They are not the best quality but they will work.

 I really like the way they look, but now that I have them I notice a few things I wish I changed but nothing I can do about that now.

Here's a picture (I colored over the personal information)

What do you think? I love how well they match my blog. 


Sunday, May 8, 2011

In My Mailbox (37)

-Misguided Angel by Melissa De La Cruz

-Angels In Pink (Holly's Story) by Lurlene McDaniel
-The Nine Lives of Chloe King (#1 and 2) by Celia Thomson
-Sweep (#2,3,4,7,8,14,15) by Cate Tiernan


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Review: Instructions for a Broken Heart

Instructions for a Broken HeartInstructions For A Broken Heart
By Kim Culbertson
Release Date: May 1st  2011

Review: Instructions For A Broken Heart is about a Jessa’s journey to find her self and mend her heart in the beautiful country setting of Italy. After catching her boyfriend  Sean cheating on her only days before the trip with ‘Boob Job’ Natalie, Jessa still has to go with the both of them. Only armed with the envelopes that her best friend gave her containing 20 reasons Sean is a jerk. Each envelope also contains one “un-Jessa” like thing for her to do a day.

As I read the summary it reminded me of “13 Little Blue Envelopes” by Maureen Johnson. They both have letters with instructions to follow and both take place in foreign countries however that’s where the similarities stop. Instructions for a Broken Heart is just like the titles says, and I think any teenage girl will relate to it even if they haven’t had a bad breakup. This was a heartwarming story that captures you and doesn’t let go.

While in Italy Jessa has some crazy and fun encounters and experiences. There is a plastic frog, long bus rides (with her ex and his new girl friend), a cute Italian boy, a new friendship, kissing and so much more. Jessa’s envelopes give her some crazy things to do. Those were some of my favorite parts.

The whole book was full surprises. Some of them from the envelopes and some from Jessa herself. The books through me for a big loop a few times. You never knew what was going to happen next. I loved watching Jessa change. In the beginning of the novel Jessa was a mess, and for a good reason. Not only did her boyfriend cheat on her, Jessa also had to watch them cuddle throughout the trip.

Kim Culbertson creates  these characters that draw you in. Each and everyone has a different personality. Every character plays an important role and always had a purpose in the story. I really recommend this book to any girl, especially ones going through a rough break up.

**Don't forget you can got Kim Culbertson's first book Songs for a Teenage Nomad for FREE in e-book till May 9th here http://bit.ly/dPzyVa


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Interview with Kim Culbertson!

Instructions for a Broken HeartI recently did an interview with Kim Culbertson about her book Instructions For A Broken Heart. I was really excited to do this because I really enjoyed both her books, this one and Songs For A Teenage Nomad.

You can find Instructions for a Broken Heart on Goodreads HERE and
Songs for a Teenage Nomad HERE.

If you want to read Songs For A Teenage Nomad (You can find my review HERE), from today to May 9th you can get a FREE download of the E-book. You can find it here  http://bit.ly/dPzyVa.  

1) How would you describe “Instructions For A Broken Heart” in a few words?

In the wake of a broken heart, Jessa gets the trip of a lifetime to grieve – and breathe. And eat gelato. Lots and lots of gelato.

2) Did you always want to be a writer?

I think I realize now that I was born a writer – I feel like writing is a mindset, it’s a point of view, a lens. Being a writer is the way we see the world in all its details and interactions. Being a writer is being an observer of things, a wonderer of things. In that way, I think I’ve always been a writer. I tell my students this a lot – you already are writers. Writing is seeing. As far as always wanting to put words on the page and tell stories and talk about books and characters – I’ve always wanted to be a writer. It’s part of my fabric; it’s who I am. As far as wanting to be a professional writer…I didn’t always want to be a professional writer. I didn’t really know what that was and I was so drawn to being a high school teacher and loved that job so much that being a professional writer always seemed like a second thing to me. Now, though, I’ve managed to find a school to work in that has a flexible schedule that allows me time to write and I’ve realized – oh, wow – I can do both things I love!

3) What (or who) inspired you to write “Instructions For A Broken Heart”. Did you incorporate any of your own experiences into to the book?

In my second year of teaching, I went with sixteen high school students and another teacher to Italy. So the backdrop of this book is based on my own experiences. I decided, though, to tell the story from a teenage point of view (Jessa) but I went on that trip as a teacher. Travel is so transformative – it really knocks me out of my current state of mind and forces me to take stock of things and I saw this happening with my students
on that trip. At the time, I thought – this would make a cool setting for a book. So I stored it away and that setting became Instructions for a Broken Heart.

4) Did you find it easier to write “Instructions For A Broken Heart” or your first novel “Songs For A Teenage Nomad.”?

Songs for a Teenage NomadOh, Instructions for a Broken Heart was easier partly because I had more time to devote to writing it. I wrote Songs for a Teenage Nomad while I was teaching full time and directing three shows a year for the school’s drama program. When I wrote Instructions, I had much more time for the actual act of writing. But I also think authors learn something from each book they write and we just keep trying to get better at this messy
task of novel writing. I think that’s why we have to let novelists grow up – we have to give them time to mature as writers. I think our culture loves the debut success story but I think that’s hard for writers. I was a basketball player throughout high school and part of college and I was just a totally different player by the time I got to college than I was as a freshman in high school. I truly hope my novels will just keep evolving in that same sort of way.

5) Do you have a favorite place or time to write?

Anywhere I can find an outlet to plug in my laptop J Seriously, though, my daughter is in a homeschool cooperative so she goes to school three days a week and I homeschool the other two days and I teach in the high school version of the program, so I really have to carve out little pockets of time here and there to write. I love to write where I can see outside or be outside. I tend to think about the book a bunch – while I’m driving or walking the dog or watching my daughter’s softball game – and then I just sit down and write in a big waterfall of words. My husband says I write in “bursts.” I think for now, with my life the way it is (and I love the way it is), I don’t really have tons of time to write every single day, but I write every chance I get and I’m grateful for my writing time. I love to write. I just also love to teach and be a mom.

6) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Love words. Love books. Read other writers. Read books about craft. I think writing is about loving stories and characters and it’s important to just read as much as you can and watch good movies. And write as much as you can knowing that if one story isn’t going anywhere, you can start a new book, but that one that didn’t go anywhere taught you something for the next time. Trust that you have a voice to share with the world, that your point of view is unique. In the newsletter I write each month (http://www.kimculbertson.com/newsletter.html), I really stress the idea of point of view. Most stories have been told but they haven’t been told by you and you’ll have a whole different spin on it, a whole different voice.

7) If “Instructions For A Broken Heart” was made into a movie who would be in your dream cast?

I would love for Zachary Levi to play Mr. Campbell and someone like Elizabeth Banks to play Ms. Jackson. I think it would be really cool to have the teachers be bigger names and have the students be a cast of really amazing unknown actors. But I could really see Miranda Cosgrove playing Jessa – she’d be amazing.

8) The Drama Club was a big part of “Songs For A Teenage Nomad” and “Instructions For A Broken Heart“, were you involved in your high school drama club?

I loved drama in high school – that was really my central friend group. But I also taught high school drama for the better part of eight years so that became a huge part of my world during that time of my life too.

9) Can you tell us what you’re working on next?

I’m working on a story set on a ranch in Idaho. A sort of fish out of water story. It’s another emphasis on changing your place to reassess your life – I guess I like that theme right now! I’m really excited about it mostly because I’m not a ranch person and know nothing about horses but I’m getting to learn so much through the eyes of my main character because she’s new to that world too.

Thanks so much for having me here on your blog!!

Thank you for stopping by! I would love to see Zachary Levi play Mr. Campbell, I love him in Chuck (my favorite TV show!)  I think he would do a great job plus I just love Zachary Levi. :)

 I'll be posting my review of Instructions For A Broken Heart tomorrow, so make sure you look out for that tomorrow.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

In My Mailbox (35)

I got a few books again this week and they all look really good. My library is having a book sale right now, I didn't get there on Friday or Saturday but hopefully I will go on Monday. I love the book sale at my library everything is 10 or 25 cents and you can sometimes find some really good books.

For Review: 

Viola in the Spotlight (Viola, #2)
This book came out in March and sounds good but it is a sequel so I'm going to have to read the first one before I can review this one. I have those shoes on the cover in brown. I love them ! They are so comfy. 

13 Little Blue Envelopes
I bought this for my nook for FREE. I adore this book but don't own it, so when I saw it was free I had to download it. 

Cover Image
I also bought Magic Hands because I've been wanting to read it for awhile now and it was only 2.99 for the Nook.  It just sounds like a cute romance novel. Good for the beach this summer. 

Thats all I got this week. What did you get?


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