Thursday, May 29, 2014

Review: The Elite by Kiera Cass


Thirty-five girls came to the palace to compete in the Selection. All but six have been sent home. And only one will get to marry Prince Maxon and be crowned princess of Illea.

America still isn’t sure where her heart lies. When she’s with Maxon, she’s swept up in their new and breathless romance, and can’t dream of being with anyone else. But whenever she sees Aspen standing guard around the palace, and is overcome with memories of the life they planned to share. With the group narrowed down to the Elite, the other girls are even more determined to win Maxon over—and time is running out for America to decide.

Just when America is sure she’s made her choice, a devastating loss makes her question everything again. And while she’s struggling to imagine her future, the violent rebels that are determined to overthrow the monarchy are growing stronger and their plans could destroy her chance at any kind of happy ending.


When the first read the Selection I enjoyed it but it didn’t stand out to me. I never had the urge to pick of The Elite and continue the series until recently. A friend read it and loved it, so I was curious and wanted to catch up. I honestly liked The Elite much more than The Selection. The world had already been built. The two men had already been introduced, and we could get right into the story.

Before reading The Elite you should be prepared that it revolves around the love triangle. There is not much else in the plot department. Kiera really concentrates on the romance between the three characters throughout the novel. There are small advances in the world building and other plot points that I feel like are leading up to a big event in the last book (at least I hope it’s a big event).

However, I actually enjoyed the love triangle in The Elite. (Shocking I know) There was even a love square going on at home point. I was just confused as America. I would like one guy and then the other. I went back and forth as much as she did. I’ll be reading The One as soon as I can to find out what happens next. (By the way I ended as Team Maxon.)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Most Anticipated Books at BEA

Here are my most anticipated books that are supposedly going to be at BEA...

Conspiracy theories and a guy name coffee, and government scandals, what more could you need?  

Big fan of her other novels and the summary on this one already has me in love with the story.
Author of Uglies, one of my all time favorite series. (IInsanely excited that he's going to be singing this.) It's also two stories in one book. I'm really curious to see how that works out.
A Little Something Different
A love story told by the on lookers of the couple. It sounds so different and interesting! Plus, this author is an alumni from my college (Rutgers University).
Sway sounds like it has a 10 Things I Hate About You (the movie) vibe. It's one of my favorites and I'm a sucker for a good contemporary romance.
You all know I'm a HUGE fan of this series I CAN NOT wait to get my hands on this one. I'm insanely excited to hear that it's suppose to be at the expo.
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Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Lizzie Bennet Dairies are BACK!

The other day I made a post about how much I missed LBD and other webseries I was watching in its place. Well the next day a new episode of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries came out...


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Everything is right in the world.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tips for BEA and BookCon

This time next week many publishers, authors and blogger will be at BEA in New York City! I'm lucky enough to live close enough to NYC that I can take day trips into the city each day to attend the Expo. This will be my third time attending and that sounds crazy to me! I can't believe that I've been doing this for so long.

For anyone going to BEA for the first time here are some tips that I would have found helpful before going the first time. Also, these are the more obscure tips since I'm sure you've read all about wearing comfortable shoes and bringing business cards (these are VERY important but everyone mentions it). Here are a few things that people don't always mention.

1) What To Wear!

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Honestly you will find every kind of outfit at BEA. The publishers and other professionals are in business attire to business casual. Then I've seen bloggers wear anything from business casual to sweatpants and Tshirts. Personally I recommend wearing a more business professional outfit. You are representing your blog and meeting many people for the first time. Your outfit is going to be their first impression of you and your website. Dress to impress!

Now BookCon is a little different. If you are attending BookCon instead of BEA I think the dress code is a little more lenient. I've heard that many people are wearing shirts that support their favorite books, or dressing in a theme of their favorite series. This is the day to dress down and have fun if you want to!

2) Don't Bring Everything You Own With You! 

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You're not Mary Poppins, you do not need to bring your life with you to BEA. Leave the giant purse that fits a lamp at home. They provide tote bags at the expo to hold the books that you pick up. The main things that you will need inside the Javits Center:
-your wallet
-business cards
-pen (to write on business cards if needed)
-phone charger (in case you find an outlet)
-band aids (if you are prone to blisters on your feet)
-food (emergency granola bars/sandwich etc)
-cell phone
I personally fit all of these things inside a small cross body bag. You will not want any extra weight. I promise, you will thank me later. This is also New York so make sure you're bag has a zipper and can be put in front of you to avoid getting pick pocketed while walking in the city.

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You are going to get more books then you know what to do with.
The author signings have free books so you do not need to bring your own. As I said above, you won't want the extra weight. The authors also don't have time to sign any extra books, they are their to promote a particular series/book and that's what they are concentrating on. This is different than a typical signing at a book store.

4) Download the mobile app and plan out your day 
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I like the mobile app because it has a map of the floor and tells you what's next on your show planner. It really has everything that you need. I really recommend getting it. I also print out a paper schedule with signings I want to go to and books I want to try and get. This way I have a backup if one of them doesn't work. One year I lost my paper schedule and wasn't using the app so I had to wing the rest of the day. This year I'm going to use the app, print my schedule and back up my schedule on Google docs (just in case I loose the paper one again). I'm determined to be prepared this year!

I hope these tips help! Feel free to ask me if you have any other questions.

Of course, BookCon is new so no one really knows what to expect that day. These tips may or may not apply.

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Here are some great blogs with perfect tips for BEA and BookCon if you want to read more tips and tricks for BEA and BookCon.
 Hollywood The Write Way
From Left to Write 

Here's a post about Blogger Events happening after BEA. I can't attend them but they sound like so much fun.
The Blogger Picnic and BEA Book Blogger Meet and Drink 

Over the next week I'm going to do a few more BEA and BookCon posts. Those will be the books I'm excited for and the authors I'm excited to see.

If you're going to BEA, let me know! I would love to meet you guys!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy - The Webseries

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, it was so good it even won an Emmy! If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend checking it out.

While the next adaption they are working on (Emma Approved) is on hiatus, I cam across a new book to web series adaption that I have fallen in love with. The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy!

It's hilarious and fun. Something I look forward to watching. If you're a fan of Peter Pan I would highly recommend checking it out. Here's the trailer...

It's only five episodes in right now, I can't wait to see where it goes!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Blog Tour Review: All Lined Up by Cora Carmack and GIVEAWAY


All Lined Up
By Cora Carmack
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cora Carmack follows up her trio of hits—Losing It, Faking It, and Finding It—with this thrilling first novel in an explosive series bursting with the Texas flavor, edge, and steamy romance of Friday Night Lights.

In Texas, two things are cherished above all else—football and gossip. My life has always been ruled by both.

Dallas Cole loathes football. That's what happens when you spend your whole childhood coming in second to a sport. College is her time to step out of the bleachers, and put the playing field (and the players) in her past.

But life doesn't always go as planned. As if going to the same college as her football star ex wasn’t bad enough, her father, a Texas high school coaching phenom, has decided to make the jump to college ball… as the new head coach at Rusk University. Dallas finds herself in the shadows of her father and football all over again.

Carson McClain is determined to go from second-string quarterback to the starting line-up. He needs the scholarship and the future that football provides. But when a beautiful redhead literally falls into his life, his focus is more than tested. It's obliterated.

Dallas doesn't know Carson is on the team. Carson doesn't know that Dallas is his new coach's daughter.

And neither of them know how to walk away from the attraction they feel.
Every book by Cora Carmack seems to get better and better and All Lined Up is no exception. It has the usual hilarious banter and fun romance that Cora’s books usually have. While reading in public places I had to really concentrate on not laughing out loud. This book is just that funny. Yet, it’s also more than just a funny story.  
All Lined Up follows Dallas and Carson. Both are just starting to live at a four year university the first time. Dallas as a freshman and Carson out of community college. I was just finishing my freshman year at school as I read All Lined Up so that aspect of the book was really relatable for me. All Lined Up truly captured the feel of college life, everything from stress from classes to crazy football games. Not all New Adult books really feel like novels about college students however, this one did it perfectly. 

Cora’s characters are also very real. They do awkward things and feel like real people in college. I enjoy how they are not always perfect, it’s more realistic. The romance in All Lined up is so sweet and fun to read. I loved every second of Carson and Dallas together. Especially how they first met. It was something I could actually see happening at a college party.
You don’t have to like football to love All Lined Up. This is a novel for anyone looking for a quick and hilarious romantic read. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series and anything else Cora Carmack writes.

About the Author: Cora Carmack
Cora Carmack is a twenty-something writer who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She's done a multitude of things in her life-- boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She enjoys placing her characters in the most awkward situations possible, and then trying to help them get a boyfriend out of it. Awkward people need love, too. Her first book, LOSING IT, is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller.

Here's a link to the rest of the All Lined Up Blog Tour. Make sure you check it out! There's some great guest posts, review, and character interviews!

All Lined Up Scavenger Hunt

The All Lined Up Spirit Week has been having a Daily Scavenger Hunt and today I am clue number 1!

The scavenger hunt is to win a Rusk University tote bag filled with great stuff by Cora Carmack herself :)

Here's the clue:
Here's the text incase the picture does not show up: Tonight, I got to see you play.

Here's a link to the Facebook event:
Make sure you stop by if you haven't already. It's tons of fun, and endless giveaways!

Here's Clue #2 -

Good Luck guys!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

All Lined Up - Spirit Week!

I'm a huge Cora Carmack fan and I'm lucky enough to be apart of her Street Team for her new novel All Lined Up which came out on Tuesday. It's a really great book. A fun quick read for distressing after finals if you just finished the year like I did.

This whole week Cora has had a release party event on Facebook. A Spirit Week for the book. Today I'm hosting it along with Christine @ I Heart Big Books, Betsy @ Book Drunk Blog and Kim @ Kimberly Faye Reads

Make sure you stop by to check it out!

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