Here are my most anticipated books that are supposedly going to be at BEA...
Conspiracy theories and a guy name coffee, and government scandals, what more could you need?
Big fan of her other novels and the summary on this one already has me in love with the story.

Author of Uglies, one of my all time favorite series. (IInsanely excited that he's going to be singing this.) It's also two stories in one book. I'm really curious to see how that works out.
A love story told by the on lookers of the couple. It sounds so different and interesting! Plus, this author is an alumni from my college (Rutgers University).

Sway sounds like it has a 10 Things I Hate About You (the movie) vibe. It's one of my favorites and I'm a sucker for a good contemporary romance.

You all know I'm a HUGE fan of this series I CAN NOT wait to get my hands on this one. I'm insanely excited to hear that it's suppose to be at the expo.

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