This Top Ten Tuesday it's a freebie -- use this week to write a top ten list about ANYTHING in literature. Maybe you have a more specific list you want to do (Top Ten Dystopians, Top Ten Creatures in Paranormal Lit, Top Ten Classics, etc) or something completely your own?
Since this is my first time doing a Top Ten Tuesday, I decided to look through the past topics and pick one that I wanted to do. So today I am doing Top Ten Books that made me cry. :)
1) So B. It by Sarah Weeks: Some books you just never forget. The first book to actually make you cry is on the top of that list. I was in six grade when I read this and I balled my eyes out. This was just an emotional roller coaster ride of a book. If you haven't read it yet, you should check it out.
2) The Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson : Another book that I read as a kid, before the movie came out, that made me cry like a baby. Anyone else that has read this book knows exactly what I mean.
3) Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls:I had to read this one for school, it's one of the very few school books I actually enjoyed. SPOILER: I cried like a baby when the dog dies. It's just so sad!
4) The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks : It's the only Nicholas Sparks book that I have read but I cried at the end. I think any Nicholas Sparks book would make me cry. All of the movies do.
5) It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han : This is one of the most recent books that teared me up. I don't want to say to much in case you haven't read these books yet but really GREAT series. The emotion is probably why it's so great.
6) Don't Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel : This book and every other book by Lurlene McDaniel should be on this list. Sometimes I think she just likes to torture her characters but she creates these amazing stories that I'll still read, even though I know they will make me cry.
7) Blood Promise By Richelle Mead : This is a spoiler if you have yet to read the series. Reading about Rose going to see Dimitri's family after he became evil just got to me. (even though I'm an Adrian fan). Hands down the saddest book in the series.
8) Mockingbird by Suzanne Collins: Lots and lots of people die in this book, but some just get to you. This is the only one in the series that made me cry. I bet you can guess what part but I'm not going to post it here because it's spoiler-y
9) Little Women By Louisa May Allcott: (spoiler) This poor family goes through so much. The death of one of the sisters really got to me. It's really sad to read about.
10) Delirium by Lauren Oliver: This book had an "OMG I can't believe that happened!" ending. I honestly teared up. This is a MOST READ.
Those are my top ten books that made me cry. This was so much fun to make. I'm going to try and participate in this meme every week.
Great topic choice this week! Bridge to Terribithia and Where the Red Fern Grows are two of my favorite tear jerkers!