Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

1) Jessica's Guide to Dating The Dark Side - The cover and title of this one brought me in. It was cheesy and I was in a stage of reading vampire books, actually I was more like devouring them. This is a book that I now, always recommend. i am so glad the title and cover drew me in.
2) City of Bones - I am not going to lie, the hot guy on the cover of this one it what made me pick it up. Just look at it, you can't blame me. I'm so glad this cover was so pretty or else I would have never ended up buying it and it wouldn't be one of my favorite books EVER.

4) Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini - The swirling blues, purples and just the all out shine to the cover made me pick this one up to buy. Honestly I did not enjoy it, It was slow and....well I just felt like it was WAY to slow. I never got into it. This is a book I regret judging by it's cover.
5) I Was A Non-Blonde Cheerleader by Kieran Scott - Honestly the only reason I picked this book up is because I'm a brunette and this title made me smile. Well plus the fact the summary was just to cute. This was just a fun series to read and was the first Kieran Scott book I read and now she's one of my favorite authors. This is a book I do not regret buying, at all. Also the cover said Slash-Free proof and I never saw that before I was got curious, of course it didn't really work.
6) Unearthly - This book has the prettiest cover EVER. Hands-down, no competition. (at least for me, anyway) I've always loved this cover, probably because purple is my favorite color and I want to steal that dress. I'm glad the cover drew me in because this is now one of my favorite books.
7) Divergent by Veronica Roth - This book I put of buying because I didn't like the cover or title. They both here just bland and did not capture my interest at all. Now after reading the book (AND IT IS THE BEST BOOK OF 2011, NO COMPETITION) I realize the cover and title are perfect and I should not have judge it by the title and cover.
F.Y.I - In case you have yet to read Divergent, go pick up a copy RIGHT NOW. <3
That's all I came up with for this week, I usually research a bit about a book before buying it, these were just some exceptions.
Thanks for the list. I hope that all of them are available on digital version for kindle or itunes store for my new ipad.