Release Date: November 29th
*Copy is an ARC I received from Imagination in Focus (giveaway for a review)
Review: Some books just have that quality that makes them addicting. You know the feeling, when you can't stop reading no matter what else you have to do. It just consumes you until you finish, then (of course) you're left thinking about it long after you closed the back cover. Legend is one of those books.
From the first page where we meet Day, a fifteen year old criminal, and not just any criminal, the most wanted criminal in the country, you are addicted to the story and characters. Now don't roll your eyes. I know a fifteen year old boy being that great of a criminal, it doesn't sounds that believable. Marie Lu's writing makes it seem very possible. Not only that, on the opposite side of the district we find June. June is a fifteen year old military prodigy and would never go against something the government told her to do. (Again, don't roll your eyes, while reading the book you won't question this.) After June's brother is found dead, who else would be the prime suspect but Day? Now June is set out on capturing him. When these two world clash you get an action packed, unstoppable book.
Legend is told in alternating point of views of June and Day. This was the one problem I had with the book. It wasn't the actually switching of point of views that bothered me, it was the switch of font colors. The book opens with Day in a gold font. Then June's was in the normal, basic black. This almost stopped me from enjoying the book but slowly I got use to it. Now I was reading an ARC, so maybe (hopefully) the hardcover version won't have this.
Other then the font issues I really enjoyed reading from both June and Day's perspectives. In the beginning they are part of two different worlds and we get to see them both. Military to criminal. June's tough, smart, personality to Day's more sensitive one. They balanced each other out. Plus without seeing both sides Legend would not have the same effect it did.
Overall this is a dysotpian that you do not want to miss. There's no shortage of them coming out in the future and Legend stands it's ground with the best of the best. Which is Delirium, Divergent, and The Hunger Games in my opinion. Or if you just want an action pack mystery check out Legend when it hits stores November 29th.
*gasp* I know I posted a review. It's been awhile since I've put one of these up, sorry about that. School starts tomorrow so I should be getting back into a scheduled routine. Hopefully you'll be seeing much more of me.
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