This is one of my favorite movies and when I saw this novel I literally snatched it up. There was a good 50 people in this tiny room. I wasn't going to wait for someone else to grab it first. I'm currently reading it now, it's much different then the movie but I am enjoying it.

I have a slight obsession with fantasy and historical things, so something like the King Author legend is one of my favorite things to read about. I have actually already read this book (AMAZING). I picked it up for my little sister to read, and well for me to reread again since i lost my copy.

Sadly I have not read a John Green book yet, I am always picking them up when I see them but I just haven't been able to pick one up and start. I've heard such great things, so maybe I'll start this one soon. But I also have heard to start with Looking for Alaska so I'll have to keep a look out for that one.

This is one I have to read over the summer for AP Lit, so I thought it would be better to get it for .50 cents instead of 10 dollars.

This one just looked cute.
What did you get this weekend?
Oh and I just wanted to let you know that I got my first legit job! I'm very excited and start next week. It shouldn't cut into my blogging since I have a ton of books that I've read and need to review. I just have to make time to sit down and review them.
Plus there is only a little over a month until BEA! Who else is super excited?????
I loved A Walk to Remember (both the book and the movie) and I have yet to read a John Green book too! Enjoy your books :)