Wednesday, August 29, 2012
In My Mailbox Vlog and Stuff
Sorry for the bad quality. Something happened at 00:50 and it cut out where I told you guys that I've been at Band Camp and I have to finish all my summer AP work before I can do anything else, but school starts September 5th. That's good because I can go back to reading fun and review books then but I only have ONE WEEK to finish all of my work! I don't think this will be possible...
Giveaways will be up soon!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Review: What's Left Of Me
Review is by Kelli!

By: Kat Zhang
Release Date: September 18th
Summary - Eva and Addie started out the same way as everyone else—two souls woven together in one body, taking turns controlling their movements as they learned how to walk, how to sing, how to dance. But as they grew, so did the worried whispers. Why aren’t they settling? Why isn’t one of them fading? The doctors ran tests, the neighbors shied away, and their parents begged for more time. Finally Addie was pronounced healthy and Eva was declared gone. Except, she wasn’t… For the past three years, Eva has clung to the remnants of her life. Only Addie knows she’s still there, trapped inside their body. Then one day, they discover there may be a way for Eva to move again. The risks are unimaginable–hybrids are considered a threat to society, so if they are caught, Addie and Eva will be locked away with the others. And yet…for a chance to smile, to twirl, to speak, Eva will do anything.
Review – I loved this novel! The whole idea of it was so completely odd, that two people could
exist within one body, but it was really good. Instead of saying “I lifted my head”, it would
say “We lifted our head” because everything involved two people, so that was cool, different.
The personality of each soul was unique, to the point where I could like one and not the other.
The characters were so likeable and I grew quite attached to some of them. It makes me want
to know what it’s like to live in a world like that, where everyone is born with a brother or sister
inside of them. There would be no privacy, no escaping an argument or running off to your
With Eva and Addie, the differences between them were large. Eva was intelligent and quiet,
mostly because she had to be. She had to fight for control of her own body. Addie was the
dominant soul, talkative and used to being in charge. They could think twice as fast as non-
hybrids and multitask well, with two brains working at once. Their arguments were few and far
between, but still stressful, for me and them!
Halfway through, the book began moving so quickly that sometimes I had to double check that
I hadn’t skipped a page. That was both a good and a bad thing… it was exciting and suspenseful,
but then at times I was confused. Other than that, I really had no problems with it and I
would recommend What’s Left of Me to anyone. The ending was surprising, but not fairy-tale
happiness or Hunger Games suspenseful. It is part of a trilogy, and the first one isn’t released
until September, but I’m already impatiently waiting for the sequel!
You can find out more about Kelli, or talk to her on Twitter
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Stuff and 40% off Coupon!
Do you guys know what the middle of August means? Yes, the summer is almost over and I should start my summer work but that's not it. BAND CAMP. Anyone who has every been in any kind of marching band knows the stress that comes with band camp. It is INTENSE! Which is why I've been slightly MIA lately. But I'm still planning tons of fun stuff for you guys! I have some great giveaways that will be up soon. I also have some reviews that have not been posted yet.
I just wanted to let you know where I've been.
This is a little insight to band camp for you non marching band peeps.
This is how everyone feels about it...
Things that happen...
I just wanted to let you know where I've been.
This is a little insight to band camp for you non marching band peeps.
This is how everyone feels about it...

Things that happen...
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Crazy stuff. 8 hours a day for 2 weeks.
Now I actually have a Reebok coupon for you guys. I work there and the family and friends coupon is going around. Here's mine1 You get 40% off AND it works at Rebook, Rockport, and Ashworth. So if you need anything from any of those stores feel free to use this! You can also use it online for a 30% off.
Click on it to make it bigger.
That's it for now!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Review: Pushing The Limits

by Katie McGarry
Source: ARC from BEA
Release Date: July 31st 2012
Summary: No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal.But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.
Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.
Review: You know a book is amazing when you stay up all night to read it. The night that I read Pushing the Limits, I got 3 hours of sleep and I had to go to work the next day, not a great combination but it was wroth it. I picked it up thinking I would just read a couple chapters to help me fall asleep. I was completely wrong. Katie McGarry just grabs you, with plot, characters, and so much drama. I started around 9 and the next time I looked up it was already 1 am. At that point I was almost done with the book. Pushing the Limits is a novel you can just get lost in.
Everything about this book was perfect. I couldn't even think of one thing I didn't like. I can tell you what my favorite part was. The characters. Katie McGarry created these emotionally packed, beaten up characters who were just completely their own. They had problems, their lives were no where near perfect, which made this novel so good. Who wants to read about a perfect person who nothing bad every happens too? I especially liked Echo who had this mystery surrounding her. I kept trying to figure what happened to Echo as she was herself.
Noah was another emotionally packed character that I thoroughly enjoyed in Pushing the Limits. When I read his POV, it felt true to what a teenage boy would be thinking. So many times when a female author writes in a male perspective, especially a teenage one, I just don't believe it. Usually they seem kind of girly. I'm not sure how Katie McGarry did it just she really got inside a teenage guys head, and made his perspective so believable.
The plot was another thing that I loved about Pushing the Limits. There was so much going on for so many different characters, which is some novels just doesn't work but here it did. Echo and Noah go through quite a few changes before the end of the novel. Which is probably why it was so long, the ARC was 403 pages (which is long for a contemporary novel. I'm not complaining though, I love long novels). In the beginning they hate each other, then they become friends, then there's romance and so much more after that. Nothing was left out, and everything felt believable. It didn't move to fast or too slow. The pace was perfect and by the end I had closure with the novel.
I don't know how Katie McGarry did it, but in the end I felt like I knew everything about these characters. I had laughed with them, cried with them (and I'm talking about crying real tears, maybe reading at 1 in the morning makes me more emotional). I fell in love with this book. I haven't read such a great contemporary novel in a long time. EVERYONE should read Pushing the Limits.
P.S. I think I should put a warning label with this one for the younger readers on this blog. Pushing the Limits is no where near being clean. There's some drug use, language, mature situations, abuse, and well a lot. This is a packed book.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Reading Stumps
Reading stumps, or dry spell, it's a real thing no matter what you call it. Writers get writers block and readers get reading stumps (maybe I'm making this term up? I'm not really sure, it's what i call it in my head). Anyway, I recently had one.
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This is how reading stumps make me feel. |
You all know what I'm talking about too (at least I hope you do, maybe you just think I'm crazy). It's those days, weeks, months or even YEARS where you just don't want to pick up a book. You can't make yourself start a new one, no matter how many great novels are sitting on your shelves.
Why do we gets these reading stumps? Well I think there's two different ways for a reader to get this horrible disease. 1. Reading to many bad books in a row. This I think happens the most with bloggers who read review books, sometimes you don't know anything about a novel before you pick it up. Or you can feel obligated to read a book a publisher mailed to you without asking. Either way, I think this is something that happens to us an awful lot. High schoolers too, since they're really forced to read some bad novels.
2. Another way, that at least has happened to me a few times, is reading the most amazing novel you've ever read. One of those stories that you just can't get out of your head. You don't think any books will ever compare to it. This has only happened to me once, after I read City of Bones.
Well anyway. I recently got into a reading stump through the first way. After reading just so many so-so novels, I couldn't make myself sit down and read a new one. That's why my blog has been kind of bare this summer.
I also recently (and by recently, I mean 1 am this morning) got out of my reading dry spell. How did I do it? I read Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry. So many people had told me how good this novel was, and I've been wanting to read it for the longest time. Well last night I couldn't fall asleep (that's another story all together) and Pushing the Limits was on the top of my TBR pile next to my bed. So I picked it up. Then I didn't stop reading. I just kept going and going. I didn't put it down until I was finished (literally). It almost made me late to work.
Sometimes you just need that push to get out of those stumps. Well, Pushing the Limits was my 'push'. It was also one of the greatest contemporary novels I've ever read. (review will be up a.s.a.p.)
Now, if you got through this post, I applaud you. It was very long and ramble-y.
Now I want to know what books have gotten you out of your reading stumps! I want to keep a list so I know which ones to pick up when if this happens again.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Bookish Accessories Part 3
Bloggers talk about reading and books all the time. We are book bloggers after all, it's really all we talk about. What about all those fun accessories that you use with your books? I love to shop, and I mean LOVE. It's really somewhat of a problem but here are some book accessories that I have found and loved while shopping.
I'm not sure If I would want this Corsage for Prom, but I really like it. The paper rose is so pretty, and I really want one. Just not sure what I would do with it yet. :)
Can be bought here
There is a ton of Hunger Games Jewelry out there since the movie came out. Most of them you can't wear without it looking weird. This bracelet though, is a subtle pretty. It's fashionable and wearable. I know I really want it.
Can be bought HERE
I don't know if it's because I'm a huge geek, or maybe this is actually cool. But I am in LOVE with this sticker. I'm really considering buying it to put on my car or piccolo case. It's just so cute and different. It's also only $3.10.
You can buy it HERE.

I might be new to the Harry Potter fandom but this chapstick is so cute! From the reviews that I've seen on the website, I might have to try it. It's all natural and supposedly smells just like Butterbeer. I'm thinking about buying it, to review it for you guys. (or well that will be my excuse)
You can buy it yourself HERE.
I'm going to go broke if I keep doing this post. I'm just addicted to looking for on etsy for this stuff. I'm sure I'll have another "bookish accessories" up next week. I hope you guys like looking at this stuff as much as I do. :)

Can be bought here
There is a ton of Hunger Games Jewelry out there since the movie came out. Most of them you can't wear without it looking weird. This bracelet though, is a subtle pretty. It's fashionable and wearable. I know I really want it.
Can be bought HERE

You can buy it HERE.

I might be new to the Harry Potter fandom but this chapstick is so cute! From the reviews that I've seen on the website, I might have to try it. It's all natural and supposedly smells just like Butterbeer. I'm thinking about buying it, to review it for you guys. (or well that will be my excuse)
You can buy it yourself HERE.
I'm going to go broke if I keep doing this post. I'm just addicted to looking for on etsy for this stuff. I'm sure I'll have another "bookish accessories" up next week. I hope you guys like looking at this stuff as much as I do. :)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Review: Rift by Andrea Cremer

By: Andrea Cremer
Source: ARC from BEA
Published: August 7th 2012 (Yesterday)
Summary: Chronicling the rise of the Keepers, this is the stunning prequel to Andrea Cremer's internationally bestselling Nightshade trilogy!
Sixteen-year-old Ember Morrow is promised to a group called Conatus after one of their healers saves her mother's life. Once she arrives, Ember finds joy in wielding swords, learning magic, and fighting the encroaching darkness loose in the world. She also finds herself falling in love with her mentor, the dashing, brooding, and powerful Barrow Hess. When the knights realize Eira, one of their leaders, is dabbling in dark magic, Ember and Barrow must choose whether to follow Eira into the nether realm or to pledge their lives to destroying her and her kind.With action, adventure, magic, and tantalizing sensuality, this book is as fast-paced and breathtaking as the Nightshade novels.
Thoughts: Prequels just are not my thing. I can't even remember one that I liked. That's why I was so surprised when I ended up loving Rift. The plot, the characters, the history! Everything in this novel was perfect. It was one that you just can't put down. '
First, Andrea just has this way of writing that makes her books stand out. You want a fight scene? She can write a kick-ass one that will having you falling over your seat in suspense. You want romance? Well this lady can write some heart melting romantic scenes that make you fall in love as her characters do. Andrea Cremer can do it all, it's what I loved about her Nightshade series and it was just as good, if not better in the prequel, Rift.
Rift also took place in early fifteen century Scotland. Which is completely different then the Nightshade series, and it took me a little while to see the correlation between the two novels that made Rift a prequel. After a few chapters it easier to see how the two mix but Rift is a great novel on it's own. You don't need to read or understand what happens in the Nightshade series to read and enjoy Rift.
Barrow. He has to be one of my favorite characters that Andrea has created so far. He's strong yet silent, and just perfect. The main character Ember is a great female heroine. She belongs up there with Katniss from the Hunger Games and Tris from Divergent. She knows what she wants and goes for it. You won't find Ember hiding behind a guy, she's fighting along side them.
Whether you've read the Nightshade series yet or not. Rift is a great novel. Andrea takes you on an adventure in this book that you just don't want to miss.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sarah Dessen's Novels get Make-Overs
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New |
Surprisingly enough I really like the old version for this cover. Sure the color's on the new one stand out and I like the beach in the back ground, The old one just fits the novel better. It shows the romance aspect and I like how the title is place on that one more. The new one is where the authors name should be, it's a little weird.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Review: Hidden (Firelight #3)

by Sophie Jordan
Release Date: September 11, 2012
Source: Around The World ARC Tours
Summary: Jacinda was supposed to bond with Cassian, the "prince" of their pride. But she resisted long before she fell in love with Will—a human and, worse, a hunter. When she ran away with Will, it ended in disaster, with Cassian's sister, Miram, captured. Weighed down by guilt, Jacinda knows she must rescue her to set things right. Yet to do so she will have to venture deep into the heart of enemy territory.
The only way Jacinda can reach Miram is by posing as a prisoner herself, though once she assumes that disguise, things quickly spiral out of her control. As she learns more about her captors, she realizes that even if Will and Cassian can carry out their part of the plan, there's no guarantee they'll all make it out alive. But what Jacinda never could have foreseen is that escaping would be only the beginning....
Loyalties are tested and sacrifices made in the explosive conclusion to Sophie Jordan's Firelight trilogy.
Review: Firelight is a series that I've been following since the first book came out in 2010. It was different, the romance was great and the plot kept you hooked. Of course when you really look at it, it's not that much different then the basic vampire hunter falls for vampire kind of story. Except this one had dragons. That's what hooked me for this story. The DRAGONS. They're a creature that has always mystified me and even the ones in Firelight aren't the normal dragons you usually read about.
Hidden is the last book in the series and while I was really looking forward to reading this one, it fell a little short for me. The story it's self was actually very short, and while the whole series was, I just thought this one need to be longer. Sophie Jordan packed so much into a very little amount of pages. Each scene felt like it needed more. Even the romance scene's needed more, even though I'm not a Will fan. Everything in Hidden was rushed.
While there was things I didn't like in Hidden, it was a good end to the Firelight series. It wrapped up all the important loose end. Yet it also kept a few things up in the air to keep you thinking. I've always liked that in a story. You keep thinking about the characters even after it's over and what will happen next to them. I would love to read more about Cassian if Sophie Jordan ever wanted to write a prequel, he has always been my favorite character.
Make sure you pick this one up in September if you've read the rest of the Firelight series. It's a fantastic close to the series and you'll get to see these great characters go on one last adventure. If you are a fan of the series bring some tissues with you, you're going to need it. The author didn't hold back when writing Hidden and some scene will surprise you. If you haven't read the series yet, I would recommend starting it now.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Review: Insurgent by Veronica Roth

by Veronica Roth
Source: Bought and Signed copy from BEA
Summary: One choice can transform you--or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves--and herself--while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love.
Tris's initiation day should have been marked by celebration and victory with her chosen faction; instead, the day ended with unspeakable horrors. War now looms as conflict between the factions and their ideologies grows. And in times of war, sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge, and choices will become even more irrevocable--and even more powerful. Transformed by her own decisions but also by haunting grief and guilt, radical new discoveries, and shifting relationships, Tris must fully embrace her Divergence, even if she does not know what she may lose by doing so.
Review: Insurgent was my most anticipated book for 2012. I don't know why it took me so long to review it, honestly I kind of forgot. I read it the day it came out but things came up and basically I forgot to tell you guys how much a LOVED this book. Really I adored Insurgent. Honestly I was a little worried because of how much I loved Divergent, I didn't think anything could compare to it. Yes Insurgent was just as good, if not BETTER then Divergent.
Why did I like it? Well Insurgent picks up right where it left off and it also doesn't waste any time. Veronica Roth gets right into the story. There's no fluff telling you what happened in the last novel, the action starts off right away. It was addicting. Really you can't put this one down.
I also enjoyed the fact that there wasn't another love triangle or a random new love interest. While Tris and Four have their differences and fights, just as any couple, it didn't have that second book drama. And you know what I mean, almost all the second books in the series have the couple breaking up and a new love interest that complicates everything for one books. It was just so refreshing to see the couple working out without a love triangle.
If you're a fan of Divergent and haven't read Insurgent yet you a crazy. Literally Insane. Get your butt in gear and read this book!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
EXCITING Casting news for The Mortal Instruments!
Alec has been cast! FINALLY, Alec has been cast. I've been so excited for so long for this movie. And we've been not to patiently waiting for Cassandra Clare to announce the actor. Well here he is...
Kevin Zegers. Well he's not how I pictures Alec but after reading Cassandra Clare's post about this auditions I'm sold. If she thinks he will do a good job, I'm fine with that. They are her characters after all.
Here's her post if you want to read it
Here are some more pictures
Waiting on Wednesday

Summary: It's one thing to learn to curtsy properly. It's quite another to learn to curtsy and throw a knife at the same time. Welcome to finishing school.
Fourteen-year-old Sophronia is the bane of her mother's existence. Sophronia is more interested in dismantling clocks and climbing trees than proper etiquette at tea--and god forbid anyone see her atrocious curtsy. Mrs. Temminnick is desperate for her daughter to become a proper lady. She enrolls Sophronia in Mademoiselle Geraldine's Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality.
But little do Sophronia or her mother know that this is a school where ingenious young girls learn to finish, all right--but it's a different kind of finishing. Mademoiselle Geraldine's certainly trains young ladies in the finer arts of dance, dress, and etiquette, but also in the other kinds of finishing: the fine arts of death, diversion, deceit, espionage, and the modern weaponries. Sophronia and her friends are going to have a rousing first year at school.
Just read that summary, or if you're lazy just the title will do. Doesn't it just capture you? It sounds like a fun and exciting novel. Plus that cover! The black and white on the purple? LOVE IT!
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