Today is the 5th day of the New Year 2011. This looks like an amazing year for books with releases like...
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand (which you can see by the review below that I adored it)
Steel By Carrie Vaughn comes out March 15.
Across The Universe by Beth Revis comes out January 11.
Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr comes out February 22.
All of these books above look amazing and I can't wait to read them but first I want to look back on my year in 2010.
On April 11, 2010 I created With A Book! This is probably the most exciting thing to happen last year. I'm so glad that I made this and that I'm apart of this amazing book blog community.
On April 16 2010 I posted my first post, a review of City Of Glass by Cassandra Clare. This review went through so many revisions. I was so nervous that I think I changed it at least 10 times.

On April 20th 2010 I posted the layout that I have for my blog now. I still have the same one partly because I don't know how to change it and partly because I like it.
On April 27 2010 I posted my first In My Mailbox and it was also the week that I received my first ARC from Razorbill. I know I was very lucky to get ARC's so early in my blogging. I had been writing reviews on amazon,, and goodreads for at least 2 years prior to my blog so I think that might have help.
On March 15, 2010 I posted my first Journey To The Past. This is a meme I created and loved doing, my first one was on Old Magic one of my favorite books. For some reason I don't do JTTP every week like I use to. I'm going to try and pick that up again.
On May 19, 2010 I held my first giveaway for the book The Summer Of Skinny Dipping by Amanda Howells. It was one of my favorite books on 2010, but that's for my next post. I was so excited to be able to host a giveaway and for a book that I loved so much.
On May 22, 2010 I participated in my first blog hop. This is one of the best things that I could have done. I met so many amazing people through the blog hop and found some of my favorite blogs.
On the week of July 11, 2010 I participated in my first read-a-thon
On July 22, 2010 I hosted my 100 followers giveaway. I was so shocked to have 100 followers. Now that I'm a few away from 200 followers I still can't believe it. I never expected this, but I love you all.
On July 25, 2010 I posted my first In My mailbox Vlog. This was very scary for me, but I've been doing them more now since the first time. (Sadly that video was lost...)

On August 29, 2010 I posted my 16th IMM and this happened to be my 100th post. It wasn't really anything special but it was an important achievement for me.
On October 11, 2010 was my 6 month blog anniversary. I was surprised that my blog had come so far in 6 months. I can't wait to see where I'm at in April.
On December 18, 2010 I posted a giveaway for CSN stores (it's still going on now). I am so excited to be able to host a giveaway from them. I looooove their bookshelves.
On December 25, 2010 I received my Nook for Christmas, which I absolutely love. (Not to related to blogging, but I wanted to add this)
In 2010 I posted 162 different things on my blog, wrote 59 reviews and gained 195 followers.
Things that I wished I did differently in 2010,
1) I wish I wrote more reviews, I had read a ton more books then I reviewed.
2) I wish I wrote my posts in advanced and spread them out so I wouldn't have a week of just one post and one with 8.
3) I wish I didn't make my blog layout crooked. (most people can't see it, but I know it's there)
These are just a few that I can think of on the top of my head, I bet there was many more. I'm hoping to fix these problems in 2011.
I want to thank everyone for has read my blog from my first follower to my newest or just the people that happen to come across my blog. It's because of all my readers that I keep blogging. I know I will always read books, it's just great to have people to talk about them with. It also great to now people want to read my opinion and random posts. You are all amazing.
Now I have a question for you,
Do you like my blog layout, or should I change it and start with something new for 2011?