Today I posted my June Book Haul! I know there's a few more days left in June but here's what I picked up so far. Hopefully I won't be picking anymore up for the rest of the month because my TBR pile is getting out of control.
Just One Night by Gayle Forman (I forgot to mention this in the video)
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
Sacrifice by Cayla Kluver
Received for Review:
The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su and Kate Rodrick
What did you get this month? I love watching and reading other book hauls so feel free to leave a link in the comments :)
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
E-Readers vs Books
For a few years now, many people have contributed to the classic argument over which is better: the e-reader or the real, physical book?
But I have a better question. Which is better for YOU?
I personally don’t see anything wrong with choosing a book over an e-reader or vice versa. Things like these are all a matter of preference and what an individual person wants at a specific time. That’s how I look at it. What’s most convenient for me right now?
If I can afford a physical copy of a book, I do like to read them. There’s no straining of the eyes after looking at a computer-like screen for hours at a time, and the smell and feel of a new (or old) book is a really great thing. But what if I NEED THE NEXT BOOK and the bookstore closed an hour ago? Am I really supposed to wait until TOMORROW to get the next in the series? Let me answer that for you: N-O NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

E-readers can be so unbelievably convenient when the above-mentioned situation is happening to me. When I read the Selection series a few weeks ago, I went to B&N to grab The Selection and once I finished, I was like “I GOTTA HAVE THE NEXT ONE NOW NOW NOW!” but I didn’t want to wait. So I was like “Hello Nook, you look nice this evening. Fancy buying me a book?” And it ever so politely obliged to my wishes, giving me access to The Elite within minutes of finishing the first book. So sometimes it’s really great! And all my books are in one spot. Which is also great.
On the other hand, I don’t like relying on a wire to keep my book from disappearing a few hours after I start it. The biggest downside to an e-reader, in my opinion, is that sometimes I’m too lazy to charge mine, or my cord doesn’t work and I can’t use it. However, if that’s the case, I usually end up going on my B&N account on my phone or my laptop and it works just fine.
So the answer to the question is basically… whatever you want it to be. If you want to read an e-book, you READ that e-book! And if you prefer to go to the bookstore and get a physical copy, do that! The choice is always yours, so if people tell you that e-readers are lame and you wanted to use one, stop listening to these people and do your own thing.

Apparently I feel more passionately about these things than I was aware.
Thanks for reading! See you in two weeks with my review on The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon, and come back next Thursday to hear from Marissa!
book vs kindle,
book vs nook,
books vs ereaders,
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Confessions of a Literary Shopaholic: The Sock Edition
You've heard about Out of Print Clothing, right? If not they are an awesome online store that sells book covers on books, phone cases, totes, and many other things. I have personally bought a ton of different stuff from them. I love them all.
While at BEA the store had a booth there. They were showcasing their upcoming lines. It was so cool getting to see everything early, but do you know what I'm most excited about. THE SOCKS.
You can see them above the totes in this instagram picture. They were the banned book tote style, and the library card design on the socks. I thought they were such a great idea and can't wait for them to come out! I believe they said at the end of the summer or early fall. It was such a crazy day that I don't completely remember.
Are you excited for the Out of Print Socks?
Monday, June 23, 2014
Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Book Cover Trends I Like and Dislike
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, make sure you go an check it out! It’s a ton of fun.
First 5 Cover Trends I Like:
1: Pictures under the cover jacket of hard cover books.
For some reason I love finding pictures under cover jackets. Sometimes they have a map of the story, or just extra pictures that go along with the cover. Either way I'm really enjoying this new trend.

2. Cover's the concentrate on the title of the book.
These are the covers with the fun and colorful fonts that capture your attention. I think these covers are just so beautiful and just look great.

3. Pretty Dresses.
I know most people don't like the trend of girls in dresses on the cover of their books. It's been around for awhile but it's something that I have always loved. If I see a book cover with a pretty dress I have to pick it up.

4. Naked Books.
By naked I mean hardcover books with out jackets on them. There aren't to many books like this right now but it seems to be a trend that is picking up.

5. Doodles
This was is hard to explain. Basically I love covers like Tape by Steven Camden. They are cute, quirky and simple.
This was is hard to explain. Basically I love covers like Tape by Steven Camden. They are cute, quirky and simple.

5 Cover Trends I Hate
1. When an authors name is larger then a title
I know this is a big trend in adult with big authors but it's been showing up in Young Adult. Sometimes I have trouble figuring out where the title is.
I know this is a big trend in adult with big authors but it's been showing up in Young Adult. Sometimes I have trouble figuring out where the title is.

2. When the authors name is too small
On the other side, I also don't like when the authors name is tiny and almost impossible to find. I'm sure the author doesn't like that much either.
On the other side, I also don't like when the authors name is tiny and almost impossible to find. I'm sure the author doesn't like that much either.

3. A Kissing Couple
Because that's a book I want to read in public.

5. Slutty Covers
This goes along with a kissing couple but sometimes a cover just looks slutty. These are the ones I buy on my kindle because I get embarrassed reading bringing these covers with me when I go out.
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expect I love this book and own a copy of it |
Review: The Girl Who Never Was by Skylar Dorset

by Skylar Dorset
Received: Signed paperback from BEA
Release Date: Already Out
"Today is my birthday."
In Selkie's family, you don't celebrate birthdays. You don't talk about birthdays. And you never, ever reveal your birth date."
Until now.
The instant Selkie blurts out the truth to Ben in the middle of Boston Common, her whole world shatters.
Because her life has been nothing but a lie—an elaborate enchantment meant to conceal the truth: Selkie is a half-faerie princess.
And her mother wants her dead.
Review: After reading the summary, meeting the author, and seeing this spectacular cover I really wanted to love this book. Sadly The Girl Who Never Was, was not for me.
Usually I love everything about faerie books because they have a mysterious air surrounding them. Faerie's are usually tricky and fun characters to read about. Yet, with The Girl Who Never Was I was just bored reading about this world. Mostly because the author was telling the reader what was happening instead of showing. There was no mystery, the reader almost always knows what is happening.
Another problem I had with this book was how fast it moved. I think I would have liked the story so much more if the plot had been drawn out a bit more. It seemed like every page was a new scene. Nothing was really explained it just happened. Selkie's feelings and emotions are never fleshed out more than a sentence. It's hard to like a character that you can't truly understand.
The book did have some redeeming qualities. For example Selkie's relationship with Ben, the faerie who creates the enchantment to conceal her, was adorable. That was the only thing that kept me reading the book until the end.
Over-all I think it was the writing style that I didn't like. It was short and to the point. I prefer longer descriptions and more emotions. Yet because of those few redeeming scenes I would give this book three stars. Without them it would have been 2. I also don't think I will be picking up the sequel to this one when it comes out.
You can check out more reviews of The Girl Who Never Was on Goodreads. There were actually a few people who seemed to really love the book. As always, you should always read a few reviews before deciding whether or not to pick up a book.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Review: Just One Night by Gayle Forman

Important: Do not read this review or book unless you have read Just One Day and/or Just One Year.
Just One Night
By: Gayle Forman
Source: Bought on Kindle
Summary: After spending one life-changing day in Paris with laid-back Dutch actor Willem De Ruiter, sheltered American good girl Allyson “Lulu” Healey discovered her new lover had disappeared without a trace. Just One Day followed Allyson’s quest to reunite with Willem; Just One Year chronicled the pair’s year apart from Willem’s perspective. Now, back together at last, this delectable e-novella reveals the couple’s final chapter.
Review: This is the novella that everyone has been waiting for that has read Just One Day and Just One Year. Every reader was dying to know what happens next with Will and Allyson AFTER THE DOOR. Gayle Forman is a saint for writing this book and giving the readers what they were begging for.

Just One Night really does start off where Just One Year and Just One Day stopped. It's that extra little chapter that we all needed. I enjoyed every second of this novella, and I usually hate novellas. I was craving more of this story and I'm SO GLAD that it actually happened. If you've read BOTH Just One Day and Just One Year this is just a mandatory read. Trust me, you do not want to miss this.
However, DO NOT READ THIS is you have not read Just One Day AND Just One Year. If you skip one of those books it will not make sense. Basically if you skipped Just One Year because you knew it had the same ending go back and read it. It will make Just One Night much more enjoyable.
Basically, just go and read this and the whole series. You will not be disappointed.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Review: Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

By: Morgan Matson
Source: Received copy at BEA
The Pre-Sloane Emily didn't go to parties, she barely talked to guys, she didn't do anything crazy. Enter Sloane, social tornado and the best kind of best friend—the one who yanks you out of your shell.But right before what should have been an epic summer, Sloane just... disappears. No note. No calls. No texts. No Sloane. There’s just a random to-do list. On it, thirteen Sloane-selected-definitely-bizarre-tasks that Emily would never try... unless they could lead back to her best friend. Apple Picking at Night? Ok, easy enough. Dance until Dawn? Sure. Why not? Kiss a Stranger? Wait... what?
Getting through Sloane’s list would mean a lot of firsts. But Emily has this whole unexpected summer ahead of her, and the help of Frank Porter (totally unexpected) to check things off. Who knows what she’ll find?
Go Skinny Dipping? Um...
Review: Morgan Matson just keeps getting better and better. She writes adorable yet meaningful contemporary novels. Since You've Been Gone is her third book, and I can't wait to anything else that she writes. This one was a perfect beach read for the summer. From the eye catching cover to the completely new and different story everything about this book was perfect.
First lets start with the cover. It really grabs your attention. The bright summer colors, ice cream cones and even more pictures under the jacket. I usually don't talk about covers but this one was just so perfect for the book.
Underneath that perfect cover holds a fun and enjoyable read. I loved every second of this book from the beginning where Emily didn't know what to do without Sloane till the end where the characters grew, learned their lessons and ends with a nice bow as most summer contemporaries do. Emily, the main character, doesn't know what to do without Sloane. She has an awkward vibe that was very relatable. Yet as she checks things off Sloane's list she learns how to be her own person and makes some great friends in the process. Those friends, the supporting characters, were also engaging to read about. All together they made this story so enjoyable.
If you're looking for a summer contemporary to read at the beach , or just looking for a great story to brighten your mood, I highly recommend Since You've Been Gone.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Review: Lets Get Lost by Adi Alsaid

By: Adi Alsaid
Release Date: July 29, 2014
Source: ARC from BEA
Five strangers. Countless adventures.One epic way to get lost.
Four teens across the country have only one thing in common: a girl named LEILA. She crashes into their lives in her absurdly red car at the moment they need someone the most.
There's HUDSON, a small-town mechanic who is willing to throw away his dreams for true love. And BREE, a runaway who seizes every Tuesday—and a few stolen goods along the way. ELLIOT believes in happy endings…until his own life goes off-script. And SONIA worries that when she lost her boyfriend, she also lost the ability to love.
Hudson, Bree, Elliot and Sonia find a friend in Leila. And when Leila leaves them, their lives are forever changed. But it is during Leila's own 4,268-mile journey that she discovers the most important truth— sometimes, what you need most is right where you started. And maybe the only way to find what you're looking for is to get lost along the way.
Marissa's Review:
This book was totally different then what I expected it to be before reading it. What I thought this book would be, based on a first glance, is a coming of age story of teens who take a road trip, get into a mild amount of harmless trouble, somewhere along the way fall in love with each other, get where they were going, and realize the true meaning of life, blah blah blah. That isn’t what this book is. And I am so thankful that I read it. This was a thoughtful description of the stories of four different people, who live in different states, who don’t really have anything in common except for two things: they are both in the middle of pivotal, make or beak moments in their lives, and they all seem to end up in Leila’s car.
Each of the four characters has a real story. They each have a story that is completely relatable, in a non-melodramatic, brooding teenager kind of way. Whether it is getting into college, prom, family drama, finding love, losing love, these are all things that you were able to relate to at one point in your life. I think one of the reasons that I really enjoyed this book is just how raw it was. These characters are all at their lowest point, and the author is really able to convey that through his writing. There isn’t any sugar coating either. The characters get into bad, real life situations, and no one comes to save them. They figure it out on their own. I appreciated that, while this book could be anyone, the book is still exciting. There is suspense, and you really don’t know how the main characters are going to end up. These characters could easily be one of my longtime friends, just from how well we get to know them. There were a few people that, while reading, I got super attached to.
The main character Leila adds mystery to book the whole way through, and you never quite know what to expect, but for some reason, as a reader, I trusted her. I think that also added to the book; wanting to know Leila’s story. And the twist at the end of the book was surprising and fantastic.
One thing I love, as a reader is quotes. This book is chalk full of little lines that, I highlighted in my book and now I find myself thinking about them on a daily basis. So even though it is Thursday, I am going to leave you guys with a quote with from one of the main characters, “Seize the Tuesday”.
That’s all for now! Thanks so much for reading my review. Questions, comments, and concerns are all welcome and appreciated. Alyssa will be back with a review next Thursday. See you in two weeks!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Well as you can see I finally made a Book Haul video for BEA! That didn't take long at all.... (sarcasm)

ANYWAY, here it is....
If you don't like watching videos you can check out my Goodreads list of all the books I got at BEA HERE.
Now I have to go read A TON of books...
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Review: Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick
Goodreads Summary:
“Will love conquer all?
Nora and Patch thought their troubles were behind them. Hank is gone and they should be able to put his ugly vendetta to rest. But in Hank's absence, Nora has become the unwitting head of the Nephilim and must finish what Hank began. Which ultimately means destroying the fallen angels - destroying Patch.
Nora will never let that happen, so she and Patch make a plan: lead everyone to believe they have broken up, and work the system from the inside. Nora will convince the Nephilim that they are making a mistake in fighting the fallen angels, and Patch will find out everything he can from the opposing side. They will end this war before it can even begin.
But the best-laid plans often go awry. Nora is put through the paces in her new role and finds herself drawn to an addictive power she never anticipated.
As the battle lines are drawn, Nora and Patch must confront the differences that have always been between them and either choose to ignore them or let them destroy the love they have always fought for.”
Alyssa's Review:
My first reaction is that this book was a million times more fantastic than I thought it would be. I really liked the first three books in the series, but I was so impressed by the series’ conclusion. The twists and turns in the plot were exciting and horrifying at the same time. Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen, I was thrown a curveball. I went through so much right alongside Nora during the whole story, and I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.
I’m a sucker for paranormal romances, so if you are as well, and you’ve read the first three Hush, Hush novels, this book is definitely for you. My attachment to each of the characters grew exponentially from the beginning, and I found myself smiling whenever anything good happened to my favorite characters. Actually I smiled when bad things happened to characters I hated so basically I just smiled a lot.
I also cried multiple times… there was a 30 page section where every other line I was just jolted by the events taking place and the action was insanity. My family members asked me if I was okay because I was so distraught at some points. Every time I think of some of the things that happened, I can feel the tears just sitting behind my eyes ready to spring. But since no one in my house understands being sad over “fictional characters” (they’re real to us, Mom, leave me alone), I must hold back my tears and stay strong!
There really were so many surprises (at least I thought so) and I was pleasantly surprised at how well everything was explained/came together in the end. I pretty much got everything I wanted in the conclusion to this fun yet intense and fantastical series. Remember that saying, “expect the unexpected”? That’s what I should have done… except you can’t really expect what you don’t expect… so… it wouldn’t have worked anyway….
I honestly believe that even if you aren’t hooked at the beginning of the series, you should stick around and trudge on until the end. I definitely enjoyed all of the books in the series but frustration may cause you to quit. DO NOT GIVE IN. Finale is definitely worth it, and is now one of my favorite books. And I’m in love with Patch Cipriano. So. There’s that.
Hope you enjoyed my first review!! I’d love to know if there’s anything I could do better, or change about the way I’m writing. This is just the beginning and I’m still getting a feel of how to do this so we shall see where I go from here!
Marissa will be here next week to do her first review, so I’ll be back in two weeks! Thanks for reading :)
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Waiting on Wednesday: Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

LOVED Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door so obviously I can't wait to get my hands on Stephanie Perkins new book. It seems like I've been waiting forever for this book, and I actually have been. It's been years since the release of Anna, and we've always known their would be three books in this companion like series. Can't wait to finally read it.
Release Date: August 14th 2014
From the glittering streets of Manhattan to the moonlit rooftops of Paris, falling in love is easy for hopeless dreamer Isla and introspective artist Josh. But as they begin their senior year in France, Isla and Josh are quickly forced to confront the heartbreaking reality that happily-ever-afters aren’t always forever.
Their romantic journey is skillfully intertwined with those of beloved couples Anna and Étienne and Lola and Cricket, whose paths are destined to collide in a sweeping finale certain to please fans old and new.
From the glittering streets of Manhattan to the moonlit rooftops of Paris, falling in love is easy for hopeless dreamer Isla and introspective artist Josh. But as they begin their senior year in France, Isla and Josh are quickly forced to confront the heartbreaking reality that happily-ever-afters aren’t always forever.
Their romantic journey is skillfully intertwined with those of beloved couples Anna and Étienne and Lola and Cricket, whose paths are destined to collide in a sweeping finale certain to please fans old and new.
Are you a fan of Stephanie Perkins? If not, I highly recommend reading them.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Top Ten Books I've Read So Far This Year
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, make sure you go an check it out! It’s a ton of fun.
Here are my top 10 books that I read this year in no particular order...
This book still effects be everything I think about it. While reading the first book I would have never imagined it ending up the way it did. I highly recommend this series to EVERYONE.
I love a fun new adult novel, and Cora Caramack is great at really capturing the essence of college. I also really enjoyed this book because I was on the street team for it. It was an amazing experience and I loved every second of it.
This was also the first book that I read this year. I read it on the plane back from Paris right after New Years. I remember every second of this book. It captures your attention and you get so invested in the characters. Can't wait to pick up Rowell's other novels.
Just finished this one a few days ago and I just ADORED it. A perfect contemporary beach read! My review will be up this week. :)
5. The Elite and The One by Kiera Cass
This series is just so much fun. While I was also frustrated with America I could never put this book down. Plus how can you not love these covers.

That extra chapter that everyone was dying to read. This is the best novella ever. No questions.
Hilarious and fun, I always love Sophie Kinsella's novels.
Finally picked up the first three books in the series this year. I enjoyed them just as much as I did the Vampire Academy. After the movie I was dying to get back into this world and had to pick up the prequel series, I'm so glad that I did.
Recently reread this series because the web - tv show is coming out soon and I can't wait! They were just as good as the first time around.
What are your Top Ten? If you have a post leave a comment with the link! I'm really curious to see everyone elses.
What are your Top Ten? If you have a post leave a comment with the link! I'm really curious to see everyone elses.
Friday, June 6, 2014
BookCon Recap and Reactions!
Last week I attended BookCon with two of my friends who are now writing for With A Book on Thursdays. We thought it would be fun to do a reaction video about what we thought about the event.
Did you attend BookCon? What did you think? or if not, would you want to attend BookCon?
Did you attend BookCon? What did you think? or if not, would you want to attend BookCon?
Movie Review: The Fault In Our Stars
The acting was perfect. I couldn't imagine a better Hazel
and Gus. They made this book look and feel so real. I cried when they did and laughed along with them. There's so many things that really made this movie perfect, but the casting director did an amazing job picking the leads. However, Isaac was my favorite. While he didn't have a big role in the movie I loved ever second that he was on screen.
This movie really felt like the book, and that's all you can really ask for. My favorite scene was when Hazel, Gus and Isaac egg Monica's car. It's a great comedic relief at that point in the movie and book. I think they did a great job with it, I was laughing through my tears. I also never cry during movies, maybe I'll tear up but I never cry. I didn't even cry during the Titanic or the Notebook but this movie just felt so real that I couldn't stop the tears.
The TFIOS tissues would actually be really helpful for this film. Make sure you go and see it if you have read the book because I don't think there will ever be a better book to movie adaption as The Fault in our Stars. (Unless they let John Green help out with ever book to movie adaption).
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Introducing Alyssa and Marissa New Bloggers for With A Book!
Thursday's on With A Book will now be run my Alyssa and Marissa! Here's their introduction post.
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Marissa (left in white) and Alyssa (right in black) in the BookCon line |
Hello beautiful followers of With A Book! My name is Alyssa and I’m super excited to start writing posts on this blog. I was Danielle’s roommate this past year at the university we both attend, and she’s told me a lot about what she does as a blogger. She even invited me to BookCon, which I never would have known about otherwise!
Danielle has invited Marissa and me to start adding reviews and things to With a Book, and I’m oh-so thankful for the opportunity. You can almost always catch me reading something fantastical or dystopian, but there are times when I’m in the mood for a really great realistic and relatable type thing. I’m mostly going to write about the books I’m reading, but occasionally I’ll post some other fun things! Right now I’m just going to start somewhere and get a feel for things from there.
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Marissa (left) and Alyssa (right)with their BookCon badges |
A couple of my all-time favorite series are Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and the Olympians (as well as Heroes of Olympus). There are endless others I could profess my love about, but those two (three?) take my top spots. The abundance of Harry Potter merch I own is a perfect indication of that! I plan on rereading both of these series very soon. I always find something new and exciting about them!
OH! A recent favorite is The Vampire Academy series. That needs to be said! And credit needs to be given to Ms. Danielle here for showing me the light.
Anyway. I’m currently reading the Hush, Hush saga, and I’m on book 3. Hopefully finishing that soon so I can get to all my BookCon stuff!I feel like I don’t really have many hobbies other than reading and watching TV, which I do a whole lot of. I did recently get a ukulele so I’m trying to learn to play that!
I think my portion of this post is quite on the long side, but that’s to give you an idea of who’s invading your usual material from With A Book. Hopefully you haven’t died of boredom at this point. Thanks for reading!
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Me (left), Marissa (center), Alyssa (right) in line for BookCon |
I mainly read Young Adult novels, and I am really into fantasy and science fiction books. My tastes vary from raw, angsty teen, coming of age stuff to fantasy, vampires, and witches saving the world type stuff, depending on my mood. Because I am a nerd like that. The last book I read was John Green’s Looking for Alaska, going with more of the teen angst side of the spectrum. I have really been into John Green ever since reading The Fault in Our Stars a few months ago. My favorite books include Pride and Prejudice, and One Day by David Nicholls. I also had a phase as a die-hard Twilight fan, not going to lie. I got a whole bunch of books at Book Con last week , so once I figure out where to start, I am going to be reading those. Danielle was lovely enough to give Alyssa and I a shot at reviewing some books for her, so I look forward to reading some good books, and sharing my opinions on them. Thank you for putting up with my little rant, more interesting stuff to come!
Next Thursday Alyssa will be here with her first review!
Video Review: The One by Kiera Cass
Here's my first attempt at a video review for The One by Kiera Cass!
Let me know what you guys think, and if you would like to see more of them or not. :)
If I make more I'm going to have to practice my editing skills.
Stop by tomorrow for some guest bloggers!
Let me know what you guys think, and if you would like to see more of them or not. :)
If I make more I'm going to have to practice my editing skills.
Stop by tomorrow for some guest bloggers!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Top Ten Books That Will Be In Danielle's Beach Bag This Summer
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, make sure you go an check it out! It’s a ton of fun.
Since I live on the Jersey Shore I spend a ton of time at the beach in the summer, I also use that time to read quite a few contemporary books. I think contemporary is a good genre to read on the beach because it is usually light hearted and fun. It’s easy to pick up and then put down when you want to enjoy talking to your friends or go swimming in the water. Here are the Top Ten Books I want to read on the beach this year.
This one is a New Adult age novel, which I really enjoy because the characters are around my age and I can really relate to them.
2. Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson Goodreads
I’m a HUGE fan of Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour so I’m excited to FINALLY read another novel by her. I haven’t gotten around to Second Chance summer yet. Since I own Since You’ve Been Gone already I had to put this on my beach list.
I’ve been wanted to pick this one up for awhile now, and what better time to finally read it than at the beach. Love the cover and it sounds adorable.
4.The Girl Who Never Was by Skylar Dorset Goodreads
Okay, this isn’t a contemporary novel but I’m DYING to read it. It came out on June 1st and I actually picked up a copy at BEA. I love novels with faeries.
Okay, this isn’t a contemporary novel but I’m DYING to read it. It came out on June 1st and I actually picked up a copy at BEA. I love novels with faeries.
5. Breathe, Annie, Breathe by Miranda Kenneally Goodreads
LOVED Catching Jordan by Kenneally and I’m really excited to read some other books by her. She actually has quite a few out since Catching Jordan and I wouldn’t be surprised if they also make their way into my bag.
6. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare Goodreads
Another non contemporary novel but I will be reading this one ASAP and wouldn’t be surprised if it makes it’s way to the beach with me. (When you live close to the beach, you go a lot). I can’t wait to finish this series.
7. Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly Goodreads
I think it would be interesting to read about mermaids while you’re right next to the water.
8. Guy in Real Life by Steve Brezenoff Goodreads
This sounds like a fun and quirky novel about gamers. I’m not a gamer but I’m still really excited to read this one.
9. A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall Goodreads
This sounds fun and adorable. A love story told in every perspective BUT the main characters of the love interest.
10. Even In Paradise by Chelsey Philpot Goodreads
This one doesn’t technically come out until October, but I have an ARC and this one it just calling me to read at the beach. The cover even has a beach setting!
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