Lately I had a few parents ask me for book recommendations appropriate for 10-12 year olds. I have a hard time with this request. Since 6 or 7th grade I've only read Young Adult books and we all know these are not appropriate for the middle grade age group (9-11). (Well a good amount of them anyway).
If you're trying to get a kid around that age to start reading I think it's important to find a book that will interest them. Pushing a book on them will get you nowhere. It's like school you never actually want to read the books they make you read.
Here are some of my favorite middle grade books that I really enjoyed reading when I was younger.
This is not only one of my favorite books when I was in elementary school, its still one of my favorite books now. It was one of the first fantasy books I ever read, and probably started my love of them. This story follows a clumsy princess through a retelling of The Frog Prince. The very loosely based the Disney movie on this story, but they are VERY different. (This one is MUCH better) . This one is a series.

This one will also appeal to the guys. I devoured this one when I was in 6th grade I believe. There is also a movie based on this amazing book. This book had everything from alligators, poisonous snakes, and the cutest little owls you will ever read about. it's recommended for ages 9-11 but I think everyone will fall in love with it.

This book is incredibly different then the other above. This one will capture your attention from the very first paragraph to the last, as you read the story about Dovey Coe. This 12 year old girl is accused of murder. Here's the first paragraph.
"My name is Dovey Coe and I reckon it don't matter if you like me or not. I'm here to lay the record straight, to let you know them folks saying I done a terrible thing are liars. I aim to prove it, too. I hated Parnell Caraway as much as the next person, but I didn't kill him."
Interesting right? Another of my all time favorite books.
The last book I'm recommending today is the Chasing Yesterday series by Robin Wasserman. These books are quick reads filled with mystery and drama. The series follows J.D. a thirteen year old girl who wakes up in the hospital and has no idea who she is. The action and suspense in these books will capture anyone boy and girls nor matter what age.
These are just a few of my favorite middle grade books. They are all appropriate for ages 9 and up. For the people asking for middle grade book recommendations, if you have any more questions just email me at
What are some of your favorite middle grade books? Leave some recommendations in the comments!
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